My Experience at an ALL WOMEN'S College

in education •  8 years ago  (edited)

"Why would you want to be with women all day long?"
"There must be cat fights all the time..."
"How do you meet boys?"
and most common of all...
"There must be a bunch of lesbians there."

These are just a few of the many questions/suggestions I get when I say I go to an all women's college. I get even more weird looks when I say that choosing to attend this college was the best decision of my life. So, thought I'd share a couple of photos that show what it's really like in an all girls world.

Men are an odd occurrence.

There's a strange dichotomy in which, on one hand, men are extremely welcome and swooned over as soon as they step foot on campus as everyone takes a deep inhale of the rare smell of cologne. At the same time, having a slight disdain for their perversion of our utopia.

In classes, students participate way more.

When there aren't guys leading discussion and monopolizing the attention, women are able to do there thing a bit more efficiently. There's an indescribable level of comfort in sharing a space that is full of people from the same group as you. Also, almost all of my classes are taught by women and ALL of them explicitly center around empowering women in the context of the class.

Every night feels like a sleepover party.

Sometimes sexy sleepover parties with pillow fights, painting nails, and panties. Sometimes relaxing sleepover parties with beer, Fight Club, and Settlers of Catan. Sometimes sleepover parties with crying over piles and piles of lecture notes. and...Sometimes all of these things at once (most of the time it's all of these things at once).

I have a HUGE support network.

All I have to do is say the secret code...

I always have an outfit.

because I have 1500 closets to choose from every day. But I also always have an outfit because no one gives a damn what I'm wearing. I went to lab wearing a three day old flannel and ripped jeans and sat next to a girl wearing a mini skirt, high heeled boots, and blouse....we both complemented each other's outfits.

There are lesbians...

and gays, bisexuals, trans, queers, and straights. We all cuddle together and it's great. (that rhyme was unintentional, but please feel free to make that into a rap.)

There aren't cat fights.

Everyday I'm surrounded by strong women who support build each other up rather than tear them down. I don't spend my whole day with "just women". I spend my whole day with researchers, writers, artists, and thinkers who know and proclaim what it means to be a woman.

You may have expected me to say that's it's no different than any other school, that we're just like anyone else. And in some ways that's true.

But in other ways, I think my all women's education is the most unique and transformative experience I could possibly ask for.

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You know what Craig would say, "I hope they teach you how to make a good sandwich!"

Ha! He would say that before even reading my first sentence of this. Gotta love him though. lol