in educational •  7 years ago 

I was just relaxing at home when this thought crossed my mind,after much consideration I have decide to share my views with you guys. learn-3069053_1280.jpgphoto credit: pixabay images
Habit is an action done on a regular basis,repeatedly Usually without awareness. Bad habits are like deadly disease that silently break us down,some of this habit could be emotional,spiritually,phyiscally and otherwise. You can break up with bad habits just like you break up with a bad boyfriend or girlfriend, bad habits are always hard to break but if we choose to end it's set us free. For years, I had a habit of getting upset everytime I didn't have my way, maybe that's not your bad habit, maybe you gossip or drink too much or do drugs or spend money on things you don't need whatever your bad habits are you can break away from it. Like I said earlier breaking habits(bad)are not easy but if you keep to this few steps you will break it.....

we have various habits, identify those that work for your advantage and those that work against it. When once you know your bad habits it will be easier to stop it, you will know how what your up against. You can't fight what you don't know right?? So identify it...

determined to stop your bad habits, just like we determine to succeed in life and it's motivates us to achieve our goals.... So will you be motivated to stop those bad habits.
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for example if you spend money on things you don't need avoid going on shopping either alone or with a friend when your not in need of anything,make a budget for yourself either monthly or weekly, try to stick with the budget unless in matters of utmost importance. If it is drinking excessively minimize the way you hang out and with who, try as much as possible to avoid those things that make you fall easily to doing those habits.

If you spent money unnecessarily it exposes you to being stranded if after spending an urgent needs pops out and you don't have enough to take care of that need because of the previous spending or drinking excessively you might end up vomiting or sleeping in the toilet lol... Or being involved in an accident. When once you realize the danger involved, breaking away from it wouldn't be difficult.

This is one of the important key in breaking away from bad habits. Ask God for help,he is the only one that can help us in our difficult times. He has promised never to leave or forsake us, confess your bad habits to him he is ever ready to help us.
Be consistent in your fight against negative things in your life, am sure you will breakthrough.

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