in educational •  7 years ago 

Some years Ago, I use to keep my distance from people and I rarely associate with anyone I thought I was being careful,mature and minding my business, to people around me they thought it was pride. It never accord to me that I have inferiority complex.freezing-earth-2376303_1280.jpg
Inferiority complex is said to be a feeling that you are not as good,as important,as intelligent or beautiful as other people. Most people have inferiority complex,some are aware of it, while some might mistake it for something else(like I did).Inferiority complex affects people negatively,it is the reason some people are afraid to pursue their dreams because the feel they are not good enough for it or they don't have what it takes to achieve it,it is the reason people do things that are morally wrong just to feel among or to meet a certain standard.

How to handle inferiority complex
The question now comes"who are you" the only person that can anwser the above question sincerely is God.He created us in his own image.Realize how important you are to God for him to create you for his own pleasure, love you to the extend of giving his life for you. When once you realize how important you are to God the maker of heaven and earth you will not feel inferior to any man on earth.
Realize that everyone is unique in their own way, just like our fingers though they are not equal but they are all very important .you don't have to be tall,slim,fat,rich,beautiful, a professor or anyone else to be amazing, you are amazing just the way you are. If God wanted the earth to be filled with a certain group or type of people am sure he would have done it, so be yourself.

    Avoid words like if only I was a bit tall, or more beautiful, or from a Rich background, this are negative words the more you say them, the bigger chance your giving to inferiority complex. Words like I don't have to be too tall to be beautiful, I don't have to school abroad to get this job, I might not be rich but am special. Say only the positive words because words are powerful.

if your friends always like talking about how luxurious their life's is, or how perfect they think their shape is, etc. I will advise you keep your distance from them,because sooner or later you will feel your inferior to them and might decide to take a wrong step to meet or keep up with their standards.
In life understand that people are entitled to their own opinion but that doesn't mean their opinion is always right or true,stand up for yourself anytime someone is trying to make you feel less important proved to them you can be better. Finally I will say always remember your the son of a king, amazing,unique,beautiful and special. So please don't feel inferior to any man on earth no matter their personality.

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