Quarks are fundamental elements along with leptons to make up all fermions and the rest of the fundamental elements, bosons, these bosons are separated into gauge bosons that are the force carriers of the fundamental forces (strong force that is the strongest force and it keeps most atoms stable as it has a minute range of a femto-meter (1*10-15m) more over it only affects quarks, in fact that is the main characteristic that differentiates Quarks from Leptons, and the strong forces force carrier is gluon. The second strongest fundamental force is the Electromagnetic force which is carried using Photons. Thirdly comes the Weak force that effects leptons and carried by the W and Z bosons. And finally the gravitational force which is held by the Graviton, nevertheless it is not present in the standard model) and scalar boson forming Higgs boson. Fermions are generally what create matter, with boson being force carriers like gluons which holds quarks together and photons which are electromagnetic waves.
Quarks are the building units of matter where the two most common quarks are up and down quarks which make up the protons (2 up and 1 down with gluons holding them together) and neutrons (2 down and 1 up quarks with gluons holding the quarks together) that shows that quarks have fraction charges where an up quark only have 2/3 of a positive charge and a down quark of negative 1/3 of a charge. Quarks are different from each other by their:
There are 6 different quarks the up and down where their names are based on their spin. The strange quark which is emitted by particles that stayed longer time to decay than they were supposed to. The charm for the fascination it reflected upon the physicists discovering it. And finally top and bottom for being similar to the up and down.
These quarks are all discovered by hadron (quarks held together by gluons, and are in different types which are baryons: particles which are made out of the quarks. And mesons which are particles made out of a quarks and it opposite (anti quark)) colliders, moreover each quark has another which cancel out it properties (antiquark), provided that a quark and an antiquark meet they will annihilate each other releasing there mass in the form of energy (mainly highly energetic photons like x-rays and gamma-rays). This mechanism is used by (positron emission tomography) PET scan, where a positron emitting radionuclide is inserted into the body on a biologically active molecule to be transported into the wanted position. Which results in gamma rays being produced from positrons and electrons. These gamma rays are detected by computers to form three-dimensional images of the body.
Note: the property of spin is not actually the particle spinning since, neutron has a spin yet, if it is spinning it would have had a charge and it do not have a charge so it is not revolving around itself.
The difference between quarks and leptons is that quarks can change their color (where gluons stabilizes the atom and repeatedly changing the quarks color in a proton and neutron) have strong force interactions, whereas leptons cannot change their color and have weak electro interaction. And the difference between fermions and bosons is that bosons have a whole number spin and obey different principles while fermions have a fractional spin and obey different principles.
if you are going to use that for any research purposes please do not just copy and paste. You should try to read and understand what i said, then try to explain it in your own words. you should also try to look from other resources as i am just a student liable to make mistakes.
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