Abu dedad

in eeteem •  7 years ago 
  • ASSALAAMU'ALAIKUM ............. *
    This statement ustadz Moses please listened

By Abu Dedad

Important lessons for Indonesia's young generation:

  • AL QUR'AN: * Chargeable:
    NOW ...................
    MEMVONIS ....................
    THREATEN ................

  • The last Muslim leader in Andalusia (Spain), Abdillah Muhammad bin Al Ahmar, out of the royal palace with contempt. *

  • That night, Andalusia has fallen into the hands of the Catholic kingdom after being under Islamic rule for over 800 years !! *

Now, he left the palace with a pained heart, his chest tightness. *

Until up on a hill high enough.
From there he stared * Al Hambra's Palace *, * He burst into tears until his beard was soaking wet with tears.
Seeing that, her mother said,
Cry like a girl !, because * you can not keep your kingdom as a mighty man !! *.

  • The power of Islam ends in Andalusia ... *
    And * never got up again until this moment !! *.

  • Muslims there are given a choice: *

    • Christian entry *, or,
    • killed *, or
    • Expelled *.
  • Know what causes the fall of Andalusia!? *
    • Love the world *.
    • Leaving jihad *,
    • Wallowing disobedience *,
    • Submit business not to the experts *,
    • Stupid in terms of religion *.
  • Imagine if Indonesia later has fallen totally into the hands of the kafir * ........

  • Muslim youths cry * and * their mothers say, cry like crying women *,
    Because * you can not keep this nation as a mighty man! *,
    Then * be ready O Muslim youth * ......

  • Learn carefully the above 5 factors *, Because * the causes of the fall will always be the same * .....


    • Al-Qur'an *
  • M E L A R A N G *
  • Making the Gentiles As a Leader *
    QS.Ali Imraan: 28,
    QS.An-Nisaa ': 144,
    QS.Al-Maa-idah: 57.
    • Al-Qur'an *
  • M E L A R A N G *
  • Making the Gentiles As a Leader Though His Own *.
    QS.At-Taubah: 23,
    QS.Al-Mujaadilah: 22,
    • Al-Qur'an *
  • M E L A R A N G *
  • Makes the Gentiles As FAITHFUL FRIENDS *.
    QS.Ali Imraan: 118,
    QS.At-Taubah: 16.
    • Al-Qur'an *
  • M E L A R A N G *
  • PLEASE HELP with the infidels who will HELP the Muslims *.
    QS.Al-Qasshash: 86,
    QS.Al-Mumtahanah: 13.
    • Al-Qur'an *
  • M E L A R A N G *
  • MENTAATI the Gentiles to MASK Muslims *
    QS.Ali Imraan: 149-150.
    • Al-Qur'an *
  • M E L A R A N G *
  • GIVE OPPORTUNITY to Gentiles so as to MAKE MUSLIMS *.
    QS.An-Nisaa ': 141.
    • Al-Qur'an *
  • To Muslims who make the unbelievers as leaders *.
    QS.An-Nisaa ': 138-139.
    • Al-Qur'an *
  • To Muslims who make the unbelievers as leaders *.
    QS.Al-Maa-idah: 51.
    • Al-Qur'an *
  • To Muslims who make the unbelievers as leaders *.
    QS.Al-Maa-idah: 80-81.
    • Al-Qur'an MEMVONIS SESAT, to Muslims who make the kafir as a leader *.
      QS.Al-Mumtahanah: 1.
    • Al-Qur'an INCREASES AZAB, For those who make Kafir cebagai Leader / Friends faithful *.
      QS.Al-Mujaadilah: 14-15.
    • Al-Qur'an * * TEACHING PRAYER *
  • That Muslims Do not Become FITNAH TARGETS of the Gentiles *
    QS.Al-Mumtahanah: 5.

  • O Allah, Yes Robb, Our Lord, we have indeed delivered your Word, We ask forgiveness and Protect only to You Ya Robbal Aalamiin *.

والله أعلم بالصواب

Please share, to Save Our Brothers who do not know it yet.

  • For Muslims all are clear rules so that his affairs stay to our Islaman is tested, whether we include people perverted, hypocritical, fasiq, zalim or kafir ****

  • FATE INDONESIA 2 or 5 or 10 Years again like ANDALUSIA *

Very likely, Could be soon in Indonesia.

Almost all the Pre-Requisites of the Destruction of Islam in Andalusia, has existed and happened in INDONESIA.

In the past the Philippines was 100% Muslim, now living 2%
Formerly 93% Muslim, now living 15%

  • Formerly Indonesia 95% MUSLIM, *
  • 5 more years stay ......% *

KH. Ahmad Dahlan once said:
_ * "Islam will never be Disappeared from the World, but Islam can Lost in this Country * _

Grasp the Rope of God, bitten by your molar teeth.

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