in efa-africa •  7 years ago 


Take an Angel by the hands and tell her you were wrong to not have seen her.
For all the times you made her feel not good enough, not enough. For the times you made her feel too dark or too light to be beautiful, for all the time she bleached for you and turned her beauty into a hollowed out thing, for all the time she tucked her cheeks in selfies and starved herself to keep your attention, for the times you made her feel like she has lost what attracted you to her and she lay awake afraid you will walk away, for the times she stood longer in front of towering mirrors because of your careless words; words you can't even remember throwing about, words you didn't give thoughts to. But she loved you and so every phrase, every offhanded remark, every grimace you habitually scrounge up for her appearance, had weight which tugged at essence and gnawed at on her confidence and yet you praise and admire the ones with strong self esteem.

Take an angel by the hands and tell her you were wrong for all the times you compared her to others. It's time to tell her where you are going instead of brushing her fears off because of her sex, it's time to see the love with which the foods were prepared, the fear and love underneath the 7 calls in 3 minutes.

Take an angel by her wings and "see her", see her in the present and all the time. See her unique strength, see her. See her love and see her warmth, see the creative force which she is, see it and be awed forever.

Hold an angel and ask for a second chance. Only angels give those these days.

Don't mess it up again..

Originally written by Oja Adili.

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