Thoth was the true builder of the Great Pyramid using the power that overcomes Earth force?

in egypt •  2 years ago 

"Thoth also known as Hermes engineered the pyramids."

"Thoth, the Atlantean built the pyramids 11,500 years ago. They were constructed as an observatory to keep track of the Moon after it was brought into orbit and our orientation with our birthplace in Orion. Thoth wrote the 48 books of Thoth, the Emerald Tablet and the Copper Scroll.

Thoth brought the moon into orbit around Earth to tilt Earth 23.5 degrees to thaw back the ice caps to extend the life of the planet and so his race could mine gold."

"Thoth was the true builder of the Great Pyramid. He was one of the original elders that came to Ancient Egypt (called “Khem”) after the third and final upheaval of the continent known as Atlantis. He was entrusted by his “father,” an advanced Temple elder, to preserve the great cosmic knowledge, technology, and alchemy of the Atlanteans."

"Ningishzidda (with power tools better than ours to cut and move rock) built two pyramids in Egypt. First he built a model, then the Great Pyramid. Then he built the Great Pyramid over the records of the Nibirans, inscribed on emerald tablets, in a secret chamber, the Halls of Amenti. He installed Nibirans’ master computer programs and astronavigational equipment in the Great Pyramid and configured the pyramid itself as a communication device send messages directly to Nibiru."

"Raised I high over the entrance, a doorway, a gateway
leading down to Amenti.

Few there would be with courage to dare it,
few pass the portal to dark Amenti.
Raised over the passage, I, a mighty pyramid,
using the power that overcomes Earth force
Deep and yet deeper place I a force-house or chamber;
from it carved I a circular passage
reaching almost to the great summit.

There in the apex, set I the crystal,
sending the ray into the "Time-Space,"
drawing the force from out of the ether,
concentrating upon the gateway to Amenti.

Other chambers I built and left vacant to all seeming,
yet hidden within them are the keys to Amenti.
He who in courage would dare the dark realms,
let him be purified first by long fasting.

Lie in the sarcophagus of stone in my chamber.
Then reveal I to him the great mysteries.
Soon shall he follow to where I shall meet him,
even in the darkness of Earth shall I meet him, I,
Thoth, Lord of Wisdom, meet him and hold him
and dwell with him always.

Builded I the Great Pyramid,
patterned after the pyramid of Earth force,
burning eternally so that it, too,
might remain through the ages.

In it, I builded my knowledge of "Magic-Science"
so that I might be here when again I return from Amenti,
Aye, while I sleep in the Halls of Amenti,
my Soul roaming free will incarnate,
dwell among men in this form or another. (Hermes, thrice-born.)"

"“When the Thoth Atlantis (or “Hermes Trismegistus”) raised the people of Khem (Egypt) to the rank of a great civilization, and when it was time for him to leave Egypt, he raised the Great Pyramid at the entrance of the Great Hall of Amenti.
In the pyramid, he hid the recordings and put guards in order to keep his secrets. Later, the descendants of these guardians became the priests of the pyramid, while Thoth was deified as the god of wisdom, the “keeper”, by those who followed him."

"To mark these cycles a geophysical timepiece was

created on the Earth's surface. It linked to the matrix

through a portal of energy. This portal was created

by the 12 pyramids in their likeness and was placed

on the center of the planet. It would be known as the

Great Pyramid and would maintain the Illusion of Time."

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