in egyptian •  2 years ago  (edited)

According to the Thebes version, it was the blue lotus that rose up from the depth of the primordial abyss out of which came forth the androgynous god Atum, both male and female, as the creative aspect of Ptah, the Will of Supreme God Amun and Goddess Amunet of eternal Ogdoad, who then proceeds to create gods of the Ennead, deities of the world.

First was creation of male Shu and female Tefnut, dryness and moisture respectively, then female Nut and male Geb as the sky and earth.

The first earth that appeared out of the primordial deep is called Benben where licated the great temple of Ra, the power behind the light, and home of the soul of Ra as the Benu bird, a parge speciesof heron, now extinct, that lived on the Arabian Peninsula and the original inspiration for the Greek phoenix, who has issued the first call and order of Creation.

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