Ancient Masonry, Not Stonework

in egyptology •  4 years ago 

I sound like a jerk because I care to provide rebuttal. Apparently I am interested in Egyptology, enough to have an emotionally initiated debate.

You guys never built a structure? TOOL MARKINGS ARE CAST FROM THE WOOD FORM.

There are modern churches across North America, the stones are cast sand and limestone, not poured cement. Carry sand and a little water, not the whole building.

What does 10,000 year old cement look like from a cross-section view?

From my perspective, this signifies that humanity once had the technology to make metal tools in order to cut wood needed to make forms for faux stones (the same kind of faux stone used build churches and government buildings).

A published French archeologist belonging to the Franc-Macons (Freemasons), wrote in a prologue that ten thousand years disintegrate all signs of a civilization (except for stonework and glass).

The forms rotted away first, the metal tools that cut them oxidized away after.

The cores are plumbing, South American cultures directed their water supply, the Romans as well. It is reasonable to think that the Ancient whatever they called themselves (not Egyptian) would also like to have water and possibly baths.

I grew up walking past a French Canadian church each day. ONCE, I saw square wooden boxes laid alongside the church. The stones that were being replaced were made on site. There is a technique for making the face of the faux stone look more like a quarried stone. My grandfather was a Polish master carpenter, he used to have special projects in the shop. Otherwise he made grandfather clocks from special types of wood/grain.

​If someone can tell me the exact weight of a trichome stalk, I can tell them exactly how much energy is needed to counter the charge gradient of Earth in order to raise a one ton 1940's flying saucer.

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