Filler: Brainless Albert Einstein

in einstein •  7 years ago  (edited)

Believe it! Nobel Prize-winning physicist Albert Einstein was brainless after death. But no zombie was involved in the investigation... Ha!

Focal point's latest episode, in the name of science, revealed an interesting account of Albert Einstein's brain:

"Albert Einstein’s brain was stolen, dissected and sent in pieces all around the world.."

Not only that, Einstein's eyeballs too were taken from him! The guy who did it was a pathologist named Dr. Thomas Harvey.

If you think that's weird, well, what's left of Einstein's brain "had been languishing in basements and beer coolers for three decades." The thousand glass slides containing pieces of his brain was stored in five boxes but some were kept in Museums.

So if you're as super-genius as Einstein, better prepare a will now for your family to acquire all the rights to that three pounds of brain tissue of yours.

By the way, the former King of Pop, Michael Jackson, tried to buy Einstein's eyeballs for $5 billion but that was just a rumor.

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this reminds me of Steve Martin movie -
The Man with Two BrainsMV5BZmVjYTY4MGQtM2FkZi00ZWFjLWE1NjAtNjZiNjkyZTk2N2ZkXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTA0MjU0Ng@@._V1_.jpg

Whoa! One "brain scene" that shocked me the most was in Silence of the Lambs movie. Hannibal Lecter's removal of Krendler's scalp was gross but the brain piece being sauted and eaten was the grossest ever... ew!