There are no coincidences, just years of preparation.
Since our last election there have been many unusual happenings. As a Q Reader, I recall the phrase "You are watching a movie." Everything is scripted. And it out in the open for all to see. What do they call the stuff you watch on TV? "PROGRAMS." Remember the comedy "GET SMART?" Agents of "Control" vs Agents of "Kaos."
When did this all start and by whom? Well if you believe in a deep state, then you have to explain all of the wars. Wars push technology and political agendas faster. It's not personal, it's just business. Business for who? The folks who really run everything. And they know us better than we know ourselves. Here is an example. During the opening phases of the Great War to end all wars, they gave all USA pilots a psych test. How did they know to do this? Anyway, after a spell they saw how many pilots were shot down, how many were real good or ACES. Looking at how these individual pilots answered those questions enabled future pilots to be assigned correctly. Why did George McGovern become a bomber pilot in WWII and Chuck Yeager a fighter pilot? How did they test? Both were heroes.
Now can you see the violation of your rights as a parent when your children are psych tested in school? I remember one such test that I took in High School. The result was that I should become a lawyer. I hate lawyers BTW. In the Army my testing told them that Artillery was where I should be because of higher math skills. I hate Trigonometry. But I was good at Fire direction in the Artillery. Number one in my AIT class. I have always believed that government psych testing is a violation of your 4th Amendment rights. Read it. The founding fathers might agree with me. BTW I'm not a lawyer.
Where am I going with this? Everything can be predicted. Computers; With more and more accuracy. This information has value. Do you think that Twitter or Facebook understand you or your kids better than you yourself? They might. How does this relate to politics and policy? Well those that rule play on our emotions. They have for 1000's of years. Our rulers keep us peons fighting each other so that we do not see the "big" picture and come after them.
BTW, did you know that, in America, we passed the 13th amendment [the original one] that would have outlawed Lawyers from serving in government office? It's true. Did I mention I hate lawyers? Virginia was the final state to approve it and even published this amendment in their official documents and school books at the time. Why is it not recognized today? The powers that be, caused the War of 1812, when this amendment was going through the system of ratification. And as it was getting close to ratification the powers that be ignored it in the public eye. The American Civil War came along and those "IN CONTROL" provided the bait and switch with another 13th amendment and all was forgotten.
This is all about control. It always has been. Keep us all poor, except for those that rule. Divide us by falsehoods of race, ethnicity, culture etc.. We are too busy feeding ourselves or getting high that we forget the big picture and remain the playthings of the super powerful. Will it ever change for the good? Is it changing for the good now? Has anyone tried to change it before?
Some say Kennedy wanted to destroy the CIA, a government agency that spies on everyone, and cast it to the wind. He also had the US Treasury print it's own money, not Federal Reserve notes. THE FEDERAL RESERVE IS A PRIVATE COMPANY THAT LOANS US MONEY AND CHARGES US FOR THE PLEASURE. Printing our own money took the power away from the bankers and they killed JFK. Then they bought up all of the "un-clean" money and made us forget about it.
Reagan was talking about doing similar things until they tried to kill him. Count the gunshots. More gunshots than bullets in the failed assassin's gun. Don't look there, forget about it. Oh and the assassin's family had lunch with the VP's brother the day before. Don't look there, forget about it.
Folks, the USA has been living under a coup since November 1963. Patriots have been planning a counter coup since then. How long ago have key people been brought into the fold? Well if you look at Trump he seems to have been preparing for the Presidency since the 80's. Democrats loved him until he ran as a Republican in 2016. Reagan was once a Democrat too.
In conclusion, if you can predict folks you can predict the future. If you use these tactics to rule, then these tactics can be used against you. And if it was planned accordingly for the last 40 or so years the Deep State may not see it coming. Did I mention Trump's favorite book was "THE ART OF WAR." by Sun Tzu. Read it.
It might explain all of the things happening that look like the Democrat Party is self imploding and taking Rino Republicans with them. Did Biden really win the Election? Is the US military running the country at this time? Why is the private quarters of the White House dark? Where is Trump now? What about all of the bad policy decisions out of the box by Biden? I do not even have to bring up the 1st or 2nd impeachment fiasco or the Big Tech Censorship? Is America getting WOKE? Is that the "PLAN?"
Is the "Corporate" Presidency over? Why did't Trump concede? Are we enjoying the movie yet? Are we in this movie? You bet. Remember what the elder Bush once said: "If the people were ever to find out what we have done , we would be chased down the street and lynched." I think we are finding out, and none to soon.