Angry 'Crats

in election •  4 years ago 


Among my own family members, I'm seeing seething Democrat anger over the election; a continuation of the anger they expressed (and probably felt) for the past 4 years.

I've never seen the same from the Republican family members when their side lost. I mean, won. Or whatever. You know what I mean.

I realize the Democrats may be extra angry because they believe the Republicans are trying to steal the election. But the Republicans believe the election was stolen through fraud and they aren't acting angry about the results-- even as they try to expose the fraud in a way that makes a difference.

Also, while the Republicans in the family don't generally obsess over politics and don't try to make everything political (or even bring up politics very often), the same can't be said for the Democrats. If they get a splinter, it's Trump's fault somehow, and by extension, the fault of all Republicans. And they feel the need to say so, no matter how off-topic it seems to be. "Republican" is basically a stand-in for "demon".

Don't misunderstand, I love the people on both sides. But the more they focus on politics, the dumber they look. Politics makes people stupid.

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This isn't really a republicrat vs democron thing

Its more of a conservative vs... don't know the word, some use neo-liberal, some use far-leftist or neo-marxist... mindsets.

To a conservative, we have an election. It decides who is the president.
To them the vote is the important thing. The vote needs to be fair and unbiased. And the vote determines the result.
That is the structure that the conservatives are conserving.

In other words, the game must be fair, the results are... there is always next time.

To a neo-marxist the results are everything.
It doesn't matter one bit what has to happen, as long as we get our president now.
Make the elections in the future meaningless... not a problem
Destroy the United States of America in the process... not a problem
They must win NOW, their lives depend on it!

In other words, the outcome is all important, and the structure that keeps people from killing each other over who gets to be the leader is inconsequential.

The problem with conservatives these days is that they aren't. At least the Republicans in power haven't been. At least not in an economic sense. When Republicans get in power, they spend even more than the Democrats before them. More spending = bigger government. Sure, sometimes they lower taxes a little...but lower taxation and an increase in spending = deferred taxation not lower taxation. But that it seems Biden will be the next President, Republicans in power will start suddenly being concerned about spending again. But the spending bills will be unlikely to match the rhetoric. It happens that way again and again and again.

We are mixing meanings.

Repulsivikins and Dumbocrap (poli-ticks-ians) are the same group. They just use different words to manipulate the people. And they are to spend as much money to get as many votes as possible.

I am speaking about people. And there are generally three types.

1 Those that love structure
2 Those that love equality (of outcome)
3 Those that love freedom.

To structure lovers, conservatives, the game's rules are all important.
To equality lovers, it doesn't matter how the game was played as long as they all win in the end.
To freedom lovers, the game is irrelevant.

Here here. I married a man who would vote for a blue cardboard box, and most of his friends are as indoctrinated.