Proof US Elections Are Rigged, Why Anti-Globalists Like Trump or Sanders Can Never Win Again

in election •  6 years ago  (edited)

Although commonly viewed as polar opposites, Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders do share one position in common: opposition to national sovereignty-shredding trade agreements like Trans Pacific Partnership. These are the race-to-the-bottom trade agreements that make it easy to ship American jobs to countries where even child labor might be legal.

Deep State globalists like these agreements, because they increase corporate profits, at the cost of the long-term economic well-being of nearly everyone else. That is why future elections will be rigged to ensure a Trump or a Sanders can never win.

How do we know US elections are rigged? It could not have become more clear than in Florida in 2016, in a primary between incumbent super-swamp-creature Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and upstart nobody Tim Canova. Canova was a law professor Bernie bro who was riding the Feel the Bern wave and raised $2 million overnight. Bernie endorsed him and it looked like a possible upset.

Make a long story short, Schultz won but Canova noticed unusual and unlikely voting patterns, so he asked a judge for a hand recount of the paper ballots. Five months after Canova made the request, Shultz ally Brenda Snipes, the Broward County election supervisor, flat out illegally, ordered that the paper ballots be destroyed. Five months is plenty of time to count the votes and see that the primary had been brutally hacked. Shultz allegedly won by a large margin, not a cliff-hanger. So the election was not just stolen. It was stolen big.

To anybody who believes Snipes that is was an "mistake" please contact me about some land in Florida. Oh and when your wife leaves the house wearing her best perfume, puts a lock on her phone screen that you don't know, and starts coming home at 3 in the morning, don't worry. She and I were just having a Bible lesson at the all-night diner.

How did anti-globalist candidates just sweep Europe's elections? One reason is that all those countries use hand counted paper ballots in elections. That is not the only way have fair elections, along with real voter ID, but it is one way. Another is here, at Smart Elections, and here, at Audit Elections USA. Both of these organizations are working hard to make elections virtually hack-proof.

The heaven-sent miracle that kept Hillary away from the nuclear trigger and the world away from permanent globalist debt slavery will only come once. Disarmed and at the tender mercies of M-13 gangs roaming rural red America, too broke for police. Without fair, honest, and un-hackable elections, they will tweak the numbers by such margins that a Trump, a Bernie Sanders, or any other non-Deep State, anti- globalist will ever win. Remarkably, opposition to national sovereignty-shredding trade agreements like Trans Pacific Partnership is one thing Trump and Sanders have in common.

If this important election between Canova and the powerful incumbent Wasserman-Schultz can be can be openly hacked, completely without consequence, then any election can be, and probably are, hacked, congressional and otherwise. It is famously difficult to unseat a powerful incumbent. Now we may know why, and it has nothing to do with money raised or name recognition. America has become a banana republic, pure and simple.

Florida Sun-Sentinel:

"Broward elections supervisor illegally destroyed ballots in Wasserman Schultz race, judge rules"

The Broward County Supervisor of Elections Office violated state and federal laws by destroying ballots from a 2016 Congressional race too soon — and while the ballots were the subject of a lawsuit against the office, a judge has ruled.

Based on that ruling, Florida’s Department of State will send election experts to the Broward elections office in the upcoming election “to ensure that all laws are followed,” the governor’s office said. It could also cost the elections office more than $200,000 to pay attorney’s fees for Tim Canova, the defeated candidate who sued the office.

The decision stems from Canova’s bid to unseat Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz in the Democratic primary, a race he lost convincingly, at about 57 percent to 43 percent, or 28,809 votes to 21,907.

Canova, who was checking for voting irregularities in the race, sought to look at the paper ballots in March 2017 and took Elections Supervisor Brenda Snipes to court three months later when her office hadn’t fulfilled his request. Snipes approved the destruction of the ballots in September, signing a certification that said no court cases involving the ballots were pending.

Snipes called the action a “mistake” during testimony she gave in the case, saying the boxes were mislabeled and there was “nothing on my part that was intentional” about destroying the contested ballots.

Wasserman-Schultz and Brenda Snipes campaigning for Schultz

This article has been adapted from a previous post of mine.

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