Chinese Government Influence in our Elections? C'mon Man, Say it isn't so Joe! How might China gain influence into United States Gov info? A government Justice site shows a Key arrest!

in election2020 •  4 years ago  (edited)

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Please take note, Open Philanthropy Project used to be at the bottom of their page, it no longer is there, but you can find verification in a simple search they were the funders.

Why is this KEY and why would they try to scrub or hide evidence leading back to This particular 501c3?

Likely because this Org was started by one of the Co-Founders of Facebook and his wife Cari Tuna.

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One should note they make it clear they support people like this. ..

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Which is interesting because Elizabeth Warren and 3 other Democrat Leaders stated this. ..

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Conflict of Interest Much?
Warren and the other Democrats specifically mentioned this company Perez formerly worked for!

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Sure Is Interesting that. . .

Dominion has customers in 28 states and Puerto Rico, including all of the battleground states where Trump and his allies are contesting and pinning their hopes on recounts after media outlets called the presidential race for Biden.

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According to China Post,

Cybersecurity has unlocked riches for Ken and Michael Xie. The Chinese-born brothers are now billionaires from their stakes in Fortinet, the Silicon Valley-based network security software firm they co-founded almost two decades ago, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires Index.

Michael Xie, the firm’s president and chief technology officer, studied electrical engineering at Canada’s University of Manitoba. He owns a 7.1 per cent stake, with almost half held through family trusts, and has collected more than US$70 million through share transactions.

Among other cybersecurity companies, Check Point Software Technologies chief executive Gil Shwed has a US$2.9 billion stake and Palo Alto Networks co-founder Nir Zuk’s shares are worth almost US$300 million.

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According to CNBC

San Jose-based virtual reality start-up uSens was ramping up quickly until late last year when issues over the U.S.-China tech cold war intervened, and the fast-charging company hit a dead end.

With patented computer vision technology for smart TVs, mobile devices and cars, an experienced team from Apple, Intel, Samsung, Oracle and Amazon, and $27 million in venture funding in the past three years, uSens had sealed a partnership with San Francisco-based Pico Interactive to bring interactive hands gesturing to its virtual reality headsets. The start-up, formed by CEO Anli He and her husband, CTO Yue Fei, had scaled up from their living room and a Kickstarter campaign in 2015 to 60 staff in Silicon Valley, three offices in China and $2 million in revenue.

Well That's Interesting considering these articles one could skim through at a later time for the Big Picture!

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Their venture funding in three rounds came from a mix of leading U.S. and China venture funds investing in early stage technologies. Among them were cross-border investor IDG Ventures, Fosun Kinzon Capital, backed by Chinese conglomerate Fosun, and venture funds including Shenzhen-based Maison Capital and Lebox Capital in Beijing.

Now uSens faces the prospect of shutting down after failing to raise more capital, despite having a term sheet for a new venture infusion. The start-up’s office was shut down in the U.S., and everyone was laid off except for one salesperson. Remaining staff, including the co-founders, moved to China

Issues over national security threats and competition with China for future technology leadership are stopping the flow of China investment in tech companies. In the process, stifling cross-border U.S.-China collaboration that has long fueled next-generation innovations is being stifled.

The outbreak of the coronavirus is taking its toll, too, as travel to and from China for firms active in the Mainland is being restricted.

Jay Eum, co-founder and managing director of TransLink Capital in Palo Alto, California, points to three roadblocks to continued China investment in U.S. tech. Angel investment from China has “completely dried up,” while minority investments by VCs have become “extremely difficult.” The parade of acquisitions by China’s tech titans such as Alibaba and Tencent over the past few years is gone and most such deals “are not even attempted anymore.” He sums it up this way, China has “become a negative for all start-ups in the ecosystem. China is off limits.”

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Not only that, but this American Auto company was purchased by that Chinese/Hunter and Chris Heinz Firm!
Check it out!

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Guess who did the deal for them? Littlejohns and I found an interesting person with some high powered connections who works there to make such a deal go through!

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Now THAT's interesting. ..she not only had an IN, but previously worked at Bear Stears.
Do you remember Who Else worked at Bear Stearns?

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Now in order to go forward. must go back! What was found out about this company AVIC and information it had stolen concerning Military Secrets?

The year before BHR joined with AVIC, the Wall Street Journal reported that the aviation company had stolen technologies related to the US F-35 stealth fighter and incorporated them in their own stealth fighter, the J-31. AVIC has also been accused of stealing US drone systems and using them to produce their own.

In September 2015, when AVIC bought 51 percent of American precision-parts manufacturer Henniges, the other 49 percent was purchased by the Biden-and-Kerry-linked BHR.

Check this out from Justice dot gov. ..will this site be enough Verification to pass the censors of the Tech Giants or will they start to censor this too?

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So do you think there is cause for CAUTION concerning "Cybersecurity" from China dipping it's influence into Our dealings that may also lead into the state of our National Security and possible Elections?

Speaking of Technology Firms, Silicon Valley and the what not. ..

Cyberscoop states the following,

Bryan S. Ware, who took the reins as the senior most Department of Homeland Security official focused exclusively on cybersecurity in January, is stepping down from his post and heading to the private sector.

A former technology entrepreneur, Ware has helped lead the DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency’s efforts to protect health care and pharmaceutical industry from criminal and state-sponsored hacking. He has also made a point of getting better data, with the help of software tools, into the hands of CISA analysts for tracking hacking campaigns.

Does it appear they are attempting to protect from Foreign entities or actually protect Themselves from the peering eyes demanding accountability from We the People and those we Hire/Select to Elect to further Our interests Over those of an over inflated Intelligence Agency Feigning to be "helping us?"

Do you recall who the ultimate, "I'm just helping you," slick one was?

That's right, satan as the most subtile beast of the field, that serpent of old stated,
Genesis 3
1 Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?

2 And the woman said unto the serpent, We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden:

3 But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die.

4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

When they chose to listen to him instead of God, did everything fall apart for them?

Revelation 12:9
9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.

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Which is Interesting because. . .
At Google,
Goes over voter fraud evidence from 2 years ago and how Schmidt was involved in steering a campaign.

Hillary Clinton campaign emails between Podesta, Mark and Sheryl Sandberg (FB's COO).

Now let's go back to this company Ware worked for as a CEO,

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So it's subsidiary of Fishtech. ..where Ware worked as a CEO when he worked for Haystax.

Do you find it interesting that their partners include Crowdstrike?

Check it out for yourself and see a link to their partner's list from Fishtech in sources below.

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Interesting! Located in McLean, VA. No Surprise there right anons?

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A LOT of Power for one agency don't you think?

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Notice who is on their leadership team for Haystax and was also part of CYREN.

Going to do a part 2 that connects to one of Ghislaine Maxwell's twin sisters who worked in non other than Cybersecurity!

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Wonder why Bryan Ware STEPPED down? You be the Judge!

Here is more information on Ghislaine's sister (Isabel is one of the twins) inside of here along with more of her family's background from over a year ago. I had a YT video report, but alas all the tech giants do their best to Silence this level of Truth!

What will happen do you suppose?

Well, the Sons and Daughter's of God did this. ..

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He has instructed Guardians of Children to do this. . .

NEONI - Giants (lyric video)

Who are the Modern Day Giants?

You know who! They even call Themselves Giants!

God wants a LIGHT shone brightly on all that is Opposed to His Kingdom Come!

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You are HERE on the time continuum and we have been trying to reach you with God's message!

God and His children's 13 WILL Trump theirs Every Time. Be prepared to WATCH!

John 1:12
King James Version
12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

The Most important message that was sent. ..
10 is God's number for completion and 13, well. ..You know all about That!

Romans 10:13
King James Version
13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

To see how much of their corruption connects in under 7min. and set to stellar music just in time for Christmas go here,


Sources and Connecting Articles/Video Reports

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