Cory Anthony Booker

in election2020 •  5 years ago 

Cory Anthony Booker announced he was running for president of the United States on February 1, 2019. Any comments about him? Any chance of becoming president?

Photo: Gage Skidmore from Peoria, AZ, United States of America [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Cory Anthony Booker is a member of the United States Senate, representing New Jersey.

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He is a buffoon anything else?


I like to keep my comments these days short and spiffy lol

He is one serious idiot. There is no way this chump stands a better chance than Kamala or Elizabeth. (Also idiots.)

I respect your comments, but why insults

What is his view on cryptos is what I am interested to know about @boosta.