in electroneum •  7 years ago 

What is Electroneum?

      "Electroneum is a cryptocurrency" A cryptocurrency is digital money that can be used just about anywhere they accept it. The creators of Electroneum are marketing geniuses and developed and tested Blockchain, App based wallet, App based mining, Offline Wallet, Windows wallet, Windows miner, Mining pool software, Blockchain explorer, and Third party payment API. 

What is Electroneum Mobile Mining app?

However Electroneum mobile mining app isn't really mining and is simulating mining and gives you a reward. Here's the best part is. The App is FREE and its coming out on November 1 2017 and you can download it on your phones right now and update it on the first.

What is an ICO?

An ICO is a Initial Coin Offering. It's like a business proposal to get like minded investor to risk there money. After reading there website, white paper and doing every other research. Do I invest or say it's a scam and walk away. It's all depends on the investors.

Can I invest still?

Not everything is free and Electroneum needs Investors that's why they doing an ICO. Btw the ICO is still not over and you can still purchase some coins if you wanted if your reading this in October 2017.

What is Electroneum marketing team doing?

Over the next year if your into bitcoin your gonna see ELECTRONEUM ads everywhere. You can take that to the devoted followers and their great marketing team. Do you think if someone says buy this a thousand times will it finally sink in?

How is Electroneum is trying to change the system?

Electroneum is trying to change the way everyone uses cryptocurrency by moving the numbers just like the US money 100.39 cent.

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