Turning my old boombox new again

in electronics •  7 years ago 


When i realized that my old boom box wasn't going to regain it's former glory, I decided to strip it down and just use it as an enclosure for the bluetooth board, since it has almost all I need it for (except for recording directly into a cassette tape).

I salvaged some connectors from the discarded box and a capacitor that is supposed to go in the amp circuit.

I hope it works since I'm just going off from what I read form some tutorials on instructables

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Hope you get it working.
Great way to re purpose it. Very creative and unique.
Thanks for sharing.


And I thought I'm last man on earth that still have that thing...well, maybe I am? Mine is still working!

The CD of mine stopped working a long time ago, originally I wanted to keep it's functionality but I wasn't able to.