Roots & Wings (watercolor painting with ink doodle)

in elegance •  6 years ago 

roots & wings_Muster_kl.jpg

Everything a child needs: Roots & Wings

There was a time when I was in a really bad place, when I couldn't make sense of my life any more. Back then (about 11 years ago) I read this for the first time, that everything parents need to give their child are roots and wings. This touched me so deeply that I cried. I felt like I had neither.
So since then I have come to realize this:

Everyone is the artisan of his own fortune.

So I just had to make my own roots and wings!
It's still a process but I feel much better than back then and I have changed my attitude and therefore my life.
Seeing that I can now intuitively paint this little scene with everything in it that I always hoped for - to feel secure, but to also be able to do anything I want - I believe I've come a long way :-)

About the painting:
It's again seamless at the top and bottom and will be available on redbubble soon.

Here are the steps for this painting:

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This is the best art I have seen in a long time... and I see a lot of art. Great job and great message!

Wow, thank you so much! ❤️

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

it's cool , creative and beautiful painting <3

Thank you! :-)