Not just painting. I love it! 😍

in elegance β€’Β  7 years agoΒ 

Hello my favorite friends Steemit! 😍
It does not matter whether I have long been an artist, how much I write and what pictures. You either like me or not. There are people who are engaged in creativity all their lives and remain not even known in their city, but there are those that with furious speed become universal pets. No matter how much you do your favorite thing, it's important! And most importantly, what you are investing in it! The more you invest, the more you will return. Verified)

Not just painting. I love it! 😍

Do you know what is the main secret of studying oil painting? Love of paints. The pleasure of mixing them, from how they fall on the canvas and shadow. If you write with oil, you need a process. Generously put wet blows, put your emotions in them. They are worthy for the viewer to feel them.

Painting talent or skill?

Why do some people know how to draw and others do not? It's like asking why some people are blondes, and others are dark. :) Because some things are given to us by their nature, but some are not. You can learn, you can sharpen the skill, improve and persevere, but it's different. Initially, the ability to draw is, rather, a gift ...
People who can not draw, do not see artists. Looking at an object, they incorrectly estimate its size, shape and color. That's why they can not accurately convey the visible object to paper.
In addition, the predisposition to the fine arts depends on memory. People who can not draw, can not remember, for example, the angle between the lines and, accordingly, embody it in the drawing.

I made a photo with a picture specially for Steemit!

Writing a picture is an exciting process.

Writing a picture is an exciting process. And to paint with oil painting is a dizzying enterprise. Joy covers when you just start mixing colors - viscous, bright, juicy. Make wide and generous strikes. You do not just see, but you feel the picture: as if she is breathing, shining, living.

The artist needs to explore the world

The artist needs to explore the world - he must analyze the nature of perceived reality. "Why do objects look exactly like this?", "How do we see the color?". These are scientific questions. But before the artist there are also philosophical: "What is beauty?", "What is good?", "What's the point?".


For most people, the first colors in life were water colors. In kindergarten or in school, we first try this water magic. In art schools, the first courses are also taught by watercolor painting. What is its advantage over oil?


Now we all see a tendency to raise prices for paints. Watercolor attracts by its accessibility. As my teacher drew, enough of ordinary children's drawings for 10 UAH. There are basic colors, and missing ones are mixed colors. This is an important point for beginning artists.

Oil paints fly in a penny.

To initially have at least a minimum set of colors, you have to fork out.


Professional brushes are not cheap. As for watercolors, and for oil, a natural brush is a luxury. Personally, I use synthetic oil for oil, and I am absolutely pleased with it.
In oil, there is one big plus, it's hard to spoil the picture, and it's easy to fix everything, which can not be said about watercolors. One wrong smear - and watercolor is spoiled.
To the pluses of watercolor you can add that it is easy to wash off your hands, off the floor, with your clothes and do not be afraid to lick a brush. But the oil is poisonous, it is difficult to wash, it is fatty, viscous and stinks.

Paper and canvases.

A good watercolor paper is expensive, but in any case it will be cheaper than a good canvas. For example, I do not have enough expensive paper.

Canvas, like paper, is also good and bad. It is also manufactured by hand and bought. Made by hand, canvas on stretchers is better and more economical, but with great difficulty. Acquired canvases, even the worst, are more expensive than their own production.

The financial side is paying dividends to those who work with oil. Such paintings can be sold for a lot of money, and they buy them more willingly than anything else. Of course, there are watercolors that cost a lot of money, but they are much smaller, and some people do not understand the watercolor painting, they will be as smooth as the picture.
But watercolor is considered a noble painting. Masterfully watercolor can not every artist. Most artists in our workshops are painted with oil, of which only 2 watercolors. It's about something says.


Proceeding from the foregoing, it becomes clear that oil is easier to write, it brings more money and is in demand among the population. That's why oil is more popular than watercolors. And in itself I can say that in oil I earned much more than on the chart and the watercolors collected together.

The ability to draw is not talent, but skill. Most likely, 5 skills:

vision of the edge;
vision of space;
vision of relationships;
the vision of shadow and light;
the vision of the whole.
There is only one sure way to learn how to draw - naturally. This has nothing to do with aesthetics or technology. This is directly related to the accuracy and accuracy of observations, and I mean physical contact with a wide range of objects through all five senses.

Drawing develops cognitive functions

Drawing improves perception, visual memory, small motor skills. It helps to look at things deeper, comprehensively study subjects.
Drawing helps to look at the world with other, new eyes, you are more in love with nature, people and animals. You start to appreciate more and more! The very process of drawing causes incredible, delightful emotions. A person is spiritually enriched and grows above himself, develops and reveals his hidden abilities. Drawing is necessary to be happy and give the world good and beauty.

Drawing is a way of self-expression

Drawing, a person reveals his personal potential. Painting is a dialogue of the inner self with the world.
Each person draws something of his own. Someone in this process finds pacification and relaxation, and someone - a buzz and a sense of humor. For the third - this is the meaning of life.

Drawing increases self-esteem

By drawing, a person becomes more confident in himself. The fear of showing one's work and being misunderstood is inevitable. Every artist goes through this. But over time, "immunity" to unfair criticism develops.

Drawing is fun

This is one of the most interesting events. When a white sheet "comes to life" in a city or, for example, in a forest, you feel real pleasure.

How to learn to draw?

All the artists you remember have once learned about their business. No great artist was in 5 or 10 years, everyone had to learn.
It's all about desire. Now there are many tools and methods. Learn from health! The main thing is desire and perseverance.

General recommendations are simple. To learn how to sew, you need to sew to learn how to drive - drive a car, learn how to cook - cook. So, with the drawing: to learn how to draw, you need to draw. It is better to learn from a teacher who can show something, offer something, praise it - it's very important! But you can do it yourself.


Start the laptop and draw at least one image per day.
Thus, a person develops attention and imagination. He every day looking for new objects for drawing or inventing his own, thereby stuffing his hand and forming a creative view of the world.
Go to pairs of group drawing classes - there's an amazing atmosphere.
In your spare time, go to exhibitions.
Monitor information about the drawing on the Internet. Find artists who are close to you in spirit, illustrators, designers.
Learn the work of famous artists.
But do not repeat this for someone! Always remember that you are unique and unique, your style and handwriting is you! A person who boldly expresses his style will always stand out from the crowd.

My picture is ready

There is no inspiration. It is not true. Spiritual forces and creative enthusiasm in my opinion are the usual components of a person who loves his work / hobby. And the time when you are tired, lazy or processed has everyone.
Those famous artists (and other popular creative characters), whom we know for years, wrote their pictures not because there was no inspiration and they waited for the muse.
Many people abused alcohol, others with drugs. And in general they were good parasites.
In this state, a muse can come to them and come of course.
for example
Picasso. He drank a lot and used drugs.
My pet - Salvador Dali was smoking opium.
Van Gogh. Treated alcohol dependence in a psychiatric clinic.
Modigliani. Opium and hashish.
Pyatnitsky. He drank a lot and died from heroin overdose.
Savrasov. He died of white fever in a hospital for the poor.
For example, Stephen King, was an alcoholic and did not even remember how he wrote many of his novels.
And many such, we study them in school.
So the list of suicides against the background of bad habits is huge.
Yesenin (drank a lot, hanged himself),
Mayakovsky (did not drink, but used heroin and shot himself), Tsvetaeva (hanged herself against the background of alcoholic intoxication), Jack London (poisoned himself with morphine). It's taken from the biography☝️ So I create and with "inspiration" and without. After all, I love my job and my appetite comes with eating.

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Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

welp, apparently I am wrong and this is just weird...
oh welll.. nice art @daio

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I actually did some and I disagree. It is possible that you evaluate the circumstance too hastily, but feel free to contact me directly on, as Gandalf to discuss it.

This was prompted because @daio messages me on the chat, asking for advise/promoting herself. And because I wasn't familiar with her, I checked out a few new posts and a few of the oldest ones, and this profile looked like scam for sure. And the way she approached me, on DM, and apparently other people too, without having any contact on Steemit before, raised some red flags. @jeffjagoe happened to be next to me when I read the chat message, so we looked into it. I'm glad that this wasn't a case of stolen identity, like a lot of pretty girl accounts in here are.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Thank you for your awareness :-) I agree, the case was very confusing and troublesome and has its roots in times where some guys was re-selling accounts for those people from Russia/Ukraine who wasn't able to create an account through Steemit, and that created a lot of mess (especially that some of those accounts were used/shared before sold, etc.)

Definitely what was the most confusing was that someone else used the account before and then it changed very drastically. I've become super careful with who I upvote, because there have been a few cases where I hyped a legit looking user, which then upon further investigation, turned out to be stolen pictures from an instagram model.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

@eveuncovered Really!? I wrote to you all once!for all time using Steemit!

My point exactly. I don't know you.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

@gtg :))

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

@jeffjagoe why do you write to me in instagram?decided to play Sherlock Holmes !? I just do not want everyone to answer questions, I'm this or a rascal! Who needs I already confirmed everything !!!!! please leave me alone !!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

that inspires to start drawing ❀😊❀
beautiful as always in your work ..... I like when you work in your style!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

many thanks)))

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

most welcome :)) have a fun sunday :))

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 


Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Nice drawing

Posted using Partiko Android

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

thank you)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 


Posted using Partiko Android

oooo, its good one! :O

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

thank you)))

Unique and interesting artwork that is very good, I really like your painting thank you @daio

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

many thanks)

Absolutely beautiful art. Ably colour finishing. Must this art by an expert hand. Are you professional artist?

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Thank you! Yes, I studied at the art school for 6 years, then years of practice

I am praying for you. One day you will be a great artist.

Really beautiful piece of work!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

thank you))

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Amazing work @daio - keep it up!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

many thanks! I am very pleased )))

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

You are welcome @daio!

wow. very beautiful! I like both the woman and the background. Fot is so unusual!Thanks for the master class on writing oil paintings. I draw a watercolor. for me, watercolor remains a favorite, although you will not earn as much as in paintings painted with oil paints. I vseravno love aquaerl. But of course I like how oil paintings are written by other artists. I like your paintings!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

hey! many thanks))))in my cases the opposite. I like to paint oil paintings, but of course I like to watch other artists paint with watercolors))))

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Love your art dear.

Hello @daio, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Hi @daio, I Love It! Really , Congrats!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

hi! Many thanks))))

painting girl is really hot

Nice i like it and thank you for sharing this beautiful post with us and East and West you are the best

Hey Kristina, I've been following your art posts for a while now and wanted to invite you to join us over on the new Whaleshares platform. We have an artist community there where you will find lots of support. You can contact me on discord.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ (edited)

Very inspiring. I love oil painting and have from the first time I put oil to canvas. It is a passion and you explained beautifully what it means to write a painting. Thank you. Your work is wonderful and your painting exceptional.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

with pleasure! I'm glad that you like. you also write oil paintings?)

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Yes, I started painting Abstract 2 years ago and have enjoyed every minute of it. I consider myself an amateur and have a lot to learn but I joined Steemit recently to see artists and their work and to be inspired and to learn and educate myself. Thank you. You have definitely inspired me...:)