Island liwungan-Tanjung lesung-Banten

in elegence •  7 years ago  (edited)

Good night...

Do you know the island of liwungan ??



Island liwungan is located near Tanjung lesung-Banten.

Transportation cost package rental ship Rp. 750.000 to 6-8 people/ship from port crossings coventry, mileage of port to the island liwungan 15 minutes.

The beach is very clean, when I visited this island i had a swim with my friends, althought not recommended for swimming because the waves are quite large, but the sea water is very clear, until the rocks on the bottom of the sea clearly makes us forget about the waves great unfortunately we did not have time to shoot a lot because of heavy rain.


Pulau Liwungan-Tanjung lesung-Banten

Biaya transfortasi paket penyewaan kapal Rp. 750.000 untuk 6-8 orang per kapal, dari pelabuhan penyebrangan citeureup. Jarak tempuh 15 menit.

Pantainya sangat bersih. Saat aku berkunjung ke pulau ini, aku sempat berenang dengan teman temanku, walau tidak di sarankan untuk berenang karena ombak lumayan besar.

Air laut yang sangat jernih hingga batu batu karang di dasar laut terlihat jelas membuat kami lupa tentang ombak besar.

Sayang sekali, kami tidak sempat memotret banyak karena keburu hujan deras.

Salam hangat @ainee


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Sejuk sekali mbak

Iya...nyaman...Buat santai