This is a critically important question ...
Why is it I enjoy seeing these majestic creatures, not fit to be used as dumb livestock or farm labor, stolen from their homes and then beaten and then, eventually, rising up and attacking the aggressor, the "master"?
Why do I enjoy seeing a creature, denied its dignity, throwing off the shackles and for a few brief moments taking vengeance on his/her oppressor?
I think I know why ...
Because assholes suck ass, douchebags deserve what they get, and it's nice to see comeuppance recorded on video - sure, I'd like to see George Soros or Hillary Clinton or Dick Cheney trampled and smashed and crushed by an enraged elephant (not a GOP thing) ... I would love it ... I would tape it ... I certainly wouldn't stop it.
I know why I enjoy watching these videos, beyond some trivial schadenfreude - I want those who have been beaten down and abused to see their state for what it is ... that they have nothing to lose ... that even DEATH, as a threat, ceases to have any impact.
Seeing those wonderful elephants trample abusive humans who seek to enslave and control them? - yes, this is a secret pleasure of mine ...
(not secret any longer)