Elephants are Fabulous,very Intelligent and Affectionate creatures...

in elephants •  7 years ago 

--> Elephants have the largest brain of any land animal.


--> Elephants have three times as many neurons as humans.


--> This explains why they demonstrate a high level of intelligence.

--> They have a very large and highly complex neocortex.

--> Elephants can tell the difference between human language and know which languages belong to people with a history of hurting elephants.
If they hear a language from someone who is more likely to pose a threat then Elephants switch into defensive mode.


--> Elephants also know when to come to humans for help and find us even over long distances.


--> Elephants also exhibit some complex social behavior. Their families can only be separated by death and capture.

--> The African elephant is the largest mammal on land.


--> Elephants can also understand human pointing without any training.

--> Elephants uses mud as sunscreen. Elephants give hugs with trunks.

--> Baby elephant suck their trucks for comfort. Just like human babies suck their thumb.


--> Elephants often form close bonds with companions. And can recognize them even after long periods of separation.

--> During an intelligence test employing food rewards. Elephant found shortcuts that not even the researches had thought of.

--> Elephants do not have sweat glands.

--> They are also excellent swimmers. They swim submerged underwater using their trunks as snorkels.
They can swim 6hours nonstop then rest without sinking.


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Good work keep supporting

This is the reason why they have been one of the most useful animals for humans from the very beginning of the civilization. They have helped us in building architecture, fighting wars, and of course in transportation of goods. They are truly a blessing for us.

Hathi mera sathi......

Thats a quite good content

nice post

Thanks to tell us interesti g facts about elephaNtes

very interesting content

They can also squash you under their feet :-D

Fabulously explained the characteristics of elephant brain. Great information new for me good job sir