11:11 Gateway Opens Tonight: Embody Christ Consciousness Expanded Opportunitities

"Our 11:11 Gateway opens tonight. We continue to see more rainbow-plasma, crystalline realms and collective DNA activation. This is a quantum effect of the Embodiment of a new level of Christ consciousness.

Embodiers have been particularly blissful this week; more preparation for this Divine passage which supports BECOMING the new light in form.

We have experienced this before; the sleepy, dreamy, blissful daze of higher activations. It is growing in frequency and consistency, washing away the density of the old Self and the sensation of duality. Surrender to it, express gratitude while it works its magic on the cells and consciousness. Your Higher Self will only deliver what you can handle, and what you request in alignment with your path.

Much of this passage is about alignment, reality choices and 2020 clarity of the Heart. Gaia is in FULL SUPPORT of the new Gateways, which is obvious to anyone working with her reconnection to multiple cosmic stargates. The energy and codes are there for you to receive and amplify.

What makes this passage different is the WIDESPREAD collective activity of Embodiment. The conscious collective choice to show HUmanity what Ascension is truly about, and pave the way for a new expression of the HUman genome in its Christed state is opening the gates within."


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