The joys of being a redneck: The Elks Lodge

in elks •  2 years ago 

You don't have to be a redneck to be a member of the Elk's Lodge, but it certainly doesn't hurt seeing as how most of the members inside of this organization are at least on some level, a redneck themselves. This doesn't mean that they are all toothless and are reluctant to check their rifles at the door. In fact, you are allowed to bring your weapons into the Lodge where I live. Most people don't unless it is a holstered side-arm that they just keep (legally) on their person at all times.


The real name of the Elks is the "Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks" and it isn't some sort of secret society or cult. It's basically just a place to go and get a beer and have some cheap food with other members of the community. People tend to be rather conservative-natured here and most of the people in my community anyway are rather successful and hard-working people. It is a fraternal organization so we help eachother out if anyone is going through some sort of hardship in life.

Even though most of the lodges around the country and the world tend to be watering holes, this does not mean that we encourage alcoholism. It's quite the opposite actually. If someone appears to be having problems created by booze in their life, the rest of the lodge bands together to help this person before it becomes something that can ruin their lives. Another great benefit of my particular lodge is that if someone does have too much, free taxis are provided for them to get home safe. What other kind of club that includes a bar that barely makes a profit can say the same?


The lodges vary from simple "pub style" establishments to massive dining and conference halls, in particular the national headquarters in Chicago, which I have never been to.

There is an annual fee to be a member of the Elks and you can't just join because you feel like it. For new members it functions a lot like a country club: You have to be invited by a current member and then your membership will be voted on by the rest of the members after a background check as been done. If you are denied, you will not find out why. It will probably make its way to you such as you are a known alcoholic and trouble-maker and there are ways to appeal this process and have another go in 30 days or so, I don't remember.

Requirements have changed a lot over the years and long before I was alive one of those requirements as that you had to be a member of the Communist Party. Oh how things have changed! That sort of notion wouldn't be well-tolerated these day. While it isn't a massive requirement, people who hate the United States are not going to get in.

It's pretty pro-America but not in some sort of crazy and militant way. There are some requirements such as knowing and being willing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance. I don't think that is too much to ask.

There are over a million members and they have lodges in all 50 states and parts of Canada as well. You can see if there is one near you with the interactive map here.

For me this has been a wonderful organization to be a part of because of the fact that it is one big family. Not long ago I took a trailer quite some distance from my home and wanted to go see some natural sites around the country. All Elks lodges have some sort of trailer / RV hookup in the parking lot (unless they are in the middle of a huge city) and if you are a member, you can park there, use the facilities, and stay there at night for free. It isn't required but kind of expected that you come in for dinner and drinks to meet the rest of the locals. For me this was a great feature of it because anywhere that I went I was immediately going to get local knowledge from people that have lived there for a very long time. This helped me find the best and in most cases, the best and FREE campsites that the area had to offer.

If you have a chance to join the Elks I think it would be a great idea to join if they'll have you. It has been a staple in my life for over a decade now and I have never regretted when it comes time to pay my very small annual membership fee.

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