Heavenly hosts and how man was made in God's image. Why the Blood realm is so important

in elohim •  3 years ago  (edited)

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A Synopsis from an intelligence briefing. See link at bottom for vid.

Humans have a

The blood makes your spirit stick inside the body.

God is
Holy Ghost
God's bloodstream Is LIGHT!

KEY verse I John 1:7
7 But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

Check out verse 5 of I John 1
5 This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.

Adam literally means blood sparkling and shining through your face.

When God made a covenant with mean (covenant means to cut) He cut into Adams spirit and breathed His life force of Light into Adam's blood.

Adam became the blood covenant son of God.

We are in the blood realm and prior, angels had never seen the blood realm.

Cutters came from Elijah's day, trying to cut that covenant out and bring the fire down.

The cutting is a demonic spirit driving people.

The spirit world has no concept of blood.

It's another reason why Angels do not understand anything about God's love.

Angels were created in holiness not love.

Hebrews 1
1 God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets,

2 Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds;

3 Who being the brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person, and upholding all things by the word of his power, when he had by himself purged our sins, sat down on the right hand of the Majesty on high:

4 Being made so much better than the angels, as he hath by inheritance obtained a more excellent name than they.

What sme are looking for is beyond a realm angels can get to.

When God spke Light and creation into existence the angels shouted for joy because they had never seen anrthing like this.

Job 38
Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said,

2Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?

3Gird up now thy loins like a man; for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me.

4Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? declare, if thou hast understanding.

5Who hath laid the measures thereof, if thou knowest? or who hath stretched the line upon it?

6Whereupon are the foundations thereof fastened? or who laid the corner stone thereof;

7When the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?

The blood realm motivates both the angel and spirit realm because this was God's love, a family that came from the inside of Him.

When man was created from the image and likeness of God, He was with the glory of God.

Lucifer wanted to be a man which is what provoked him into the war of heaven to begin with.

So who was it earnestly protesting against the man from Psalm 8 then quoted again in Hebrews.

Coming back in to show more synopsis

Isaiah 14:14
“I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.”

This was Lucifer. ..aka Heliel who stated this, but there was only ONE like the most high. .. Adam at that time. . .the one God created in His image.

As I told you before, Lucifer was jealous.
How many of you have had to deal with family members, especially any of the arrogant sort being jealous?

Interesting Reference numbers!

Do you remember John Podesta, Hillary's chair for her campaign the one who with his brother collected pedo art?

This image. . .

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Now the above Osiris info. . .this is NOT a true story, but perception IS reality for these luciferians and all of those either sold out to them or who lend their ears and eyes to their agendas!

These people Truly believe in it.

The fish also encodes 14 to them as that is what ate the phallus in Their Story.

Yet they and all who pal around with them including most elitists. . .call US the Conspiracy Theorists.

See how that works?
Whatever You're doing. . .blame the other side said their hero Karl Marx!

There are literal light traces inside of your blood. ..this is why satan and his ilk attempt to destroy the Light. . .they despise the Light. The Light was passed on to us directly from God.

When conception happens there is a tiny spark of electricity that takes place, it flashes. ..that's God!

Putting on the Full Armor of God. . .Commanded!
It's God's Armor and He's Commanding you to put it on.

How Worthy are you that you are part of Putting on God's Armor?

In Isaiah 40 it talks about how God created everything that is.
Check out. . .
Isaiah 40:26
King James Bible
Lift up your eyes on high, and behold who hath created these things, that bringeth out their host by number: he calleth them all by names by the greatness of his might, for that he is strong in power; not one faileth.

So All Matter, All that Exists and now even the Science that the others esteem has declared. . .

Theoretical physicists have proposed a way they think will allow us to create matter from light. The experiment has yet to be done, but has passed peer review as practical and the inventors are in discussions with experimentalists with the equipment to carry it out. The proposal has created excitement because, while it has been accepted for 80 years that two photons of light could theoretically create matter, for that time the demonstrational proof was regarded as beyond the reach of lab equipment.

As Einstein's much quoted, but seldom understood, equation e=mc2 tells us, matter and energy are connected. One can turn into another. Light is one of the forms of energy produced from matter in atomic bombs. However, going the other way is more of a challenge.

Earlier this year two physicists from the University of Warsaw, Katarzyna Krajewska and Jerzy Kaminski modeled the distributions of electron-positron pairs created when laser and nonlaser photons collide, noting that the “rapid development of high-power laser technology has led to a renaissance of theoretical interest in strong-field quantum electrodynamics.”

Isaiah 40:12
King James Version
12 Who hath measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, and meted out heaven with the span, and comprehended the dust of the earth in a measure, and weighed the mountains in scales, and the hills in a balance?

A span in Hebrew is from the tip of your thumb, to the tip of your pinky finger.

Job 28:24-28
24 For he looketh to the ends of the earth, and seeth under the whole heaven;

25 To make the weight for the winds; and he weigheth the waters by measure.

26 When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightning of the thunder:

27 Then did he see it, and declare it; he prepared it, yea, and searched it out.

28 And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding.

A span is 9"

The armor includes a helmet.
If your helmet is on. . .who do the entities of the enemy Think you are?
It's the Armor of God. . .Do they move out of your way if they Think it's God coming since it's His armor.

How many Christians think they are not good, not worthy and finally land on I'm ready for death.

Does that help the entities recognize this is Not really humility but rather weakness and defeat?

They can ID you right away because they God they know Does Not talk like that; therefore, if you are a child of God made in His image. . .you have authority and ARE Victorious!

Put on the Armor and Show It!
Why would you live in defeat when God created you for His Greatness and to Show His Power?

If you are going to defeat. . .

I also think when those who are fence sitters, naysayers or even just think Grace is their ticket to this should heavily consider this passage. . .It's in the New Testament not the Old Testament.

Hebrews 10:26-31
King James Version
26 For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.

28 He that despised Moses' law died without mercy under two or three witnesses:

29 Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?

30 For we know him that hath said, Vengeance belongeth unto me, I will recompense, saith the Lord. And again, The Lord shall judge his people.

31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.

Ephesians 6:12
King James Version
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Now if This is the Case. . .don't you have to have the Speech to Match the armor?

Not humility. . .VICTORY!

Here are the 4 ranks of spirit you are contending with!

  • Principality
  • Powers
  • Rulers of Darkness of This world
  • Spiritual wickedness in high paces

Putting on the armor of God is like putting on the Whole Body of Christ.

All the children of God united are the Body of God. . .of Jesus himself, the anointed one.

Once the church was scattered, God started giving revelations to men to bring His people up to a place where you could begin to Wear the Suit.

The Catholics had the revelation of the crucifiction.

A time came when after revelation, their Leadership became rigid and corrupt.

While Martin Luther was climbing the steps of Pontius Pilot and he got a Revelation. . .
The JUST shall live by FAITH. So the Lutherans got that Revelation.

There was the. . .

  • Passion
  • Crucifixion
  • The Just shall live by faith
  • the Wesley boys. . .with the Revelation of Sanctification and Holiness. . .thus came the Methodists.
  • then came the Pentecostal of Revelation which continues

Each piece of the armor is like that!

You have a breastplate of Sanctification and Holiness
You have the belt of Truth
Helmet of Salvation. . .the Baptists. . .say once saved, Always saved.
The Sword of the Spirit. . .so the Word of Faith and the Prophetic coming togehter.

You need the Revelation of All in order to have the revelation of Everything Jesus paid for.

If you have to stop and think. . .What is the Belt of Truth, do you KNOW what that is?

John 17:17
“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.”

Every piece of the armor is put on through the Word itself.
You have to be able to
Speak the Word
Talk the Word
Leak Scripture All the Time

Something Should Spark in you.
The shoes of peace.
Do you have a Revelation of Peace?
Do you place God's Word in your heart and speak it out of your mouth?
Do you do so along with the Prophetic Revelation coming into play so you can take the sword and fight?

In the Face of Faith is the Absence of Fear!
All the fear of this realm is Adam's faith running in reverse!
Adam was able to control everything around him with his faith without even consciously doing it.

Before Adam sinned and fell he could see God, walk with God.
They would walk in the garden together.
When Adam chose to sin and fall away from God, he did it willingly.
He Knew what he was doing because God said the woman was deceived.
Adam blamed it on the woman rather than confessing.
Adam committed High Treason when he willingly chose to sin against God.

Prior to this Adam used to worship God and all of creation around him would worship.

The Garden of Eden was an enclosed stronghold that nothing could penetrate.
Adam had the sight to see both angels and even the demons beyond his realm, so the only way in was for satan to make a deal with the serpent, who was the most subtile beast of the field.

As long as Adam Walked with God, that hedge of protection stayed up all the time.
As the serpent was an animal it could go in and go out of the garden.

As God had already said the serpent was cunning, this means he had wiles, he could think for himself.

Paul discusses a first Adam and a last Adam.

If you look at the spirit, you will understand the earthy.
If you look at the earthy, you will understand the spirit.

The last Adam had a Judas, who was Not an authentic Jew.
Isacariot was his name because of where he was From, not by who he was.

They buried Judas in a field for stranger. . .beast of the field, because he was a Judas.

The first Adam's Judas was a literal snake.
The last Adam's Judas was a treasurer.

For every rabbi, the treasurer is the number one guy, the one next or closest to you.

The first Adam had a treasurer also. . .the serpent who was to guard the tree. Which is why he was at the tree.

The animals didn't speak Adam's language, Adam could speak to all creation and they could understand him.

Aspects to the enemy. . .Ranks of spirit are able to bring these in If allowed by us creating an opening When we do Not keep our minds stayed upon God our father and creator!

  • the dragon
  • that old serpent

the actual tree wasn't an apple or a peach. . .more than likely it was a fig tree, which explains the leaves Adam took because he knew he fell.

It wasn't the tree evil or good, it was the decision Adam made that was wrong.
The tree was a like a tithe, God said if he left that one alone, all the other trees would produce for him.

The last Adam faced a fig tree also at a place called Bethany
Mark 11:12-26

12 And on the morrow, when they were come from Bethany, he was hungry:

13 And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet.

14 And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it.

15 And they come to Jerusalem: and Jesus went into the temple, and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple, and overthrew the tables of the moneychangers, and the seats of them that sold doves;

16 And would not suffer that any man should carry any vessel through the temple.

17 And he taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer? but ye have made it a den of thieves.
18 And the scribes and chief priests heard it, and sought how they might destroy him: for they feared him, because all the people was astonished at his doctrine.

19 And when even was come, he went out of the city.

20 And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.

21 And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him, Master, behold, the fig tree which thou cursedst is withered away.

22 And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

23 For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

24 Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
25 And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

Jesus was Answering the tree, not just speaking to it.
Answering from an echo from Years Ago.

All of creation is Alive. The plant life do not have souls as we do, but They Are Alive!

It wasn't that they could speak God's language. . .He could speak theirs!

The ability to understand the animals' languages was restored to Noah as he received the same blessing Adam had before the fall.

The only way to gather all of those animals together was to have the ability to communicate with them.

In the Light DC TALK Lyric Video




Thank you to Warrior Adriann Frattle for the following link.

We wrestle against 4 ranks of a spirit. . .

  • Principalities
  • against powers
  • against the rulers of darkness of this world
  • against spiritual wickedness in high places

Revelation 20
4 Personalities of the enemy

  • Dragon. . .one who charms you and pulls your gaze off. . .captures your gaze as when a snake charms it's prey.

See an example of how Fear can kill you before anything else. . .here,

Satan doesn't care if we are only a little out of the sight of Jesus, because all it takes is to be off just a little bit to where our eyes are not on Him making it easy for the enemy to swoop in.

Principalities work with the Dragon and their job is to pull your gaze away.

To just turn your gaze to where you're not single minded on the word anymore.

It takes 1,000 principalities to pull the gaze of a believer off of God showing that sons and daughters of God are much stronger.
Legion was 6,000
It took 6,000 demons to hold the body of a man captive, yet he still had enough mind to fall down and worship Jesus.

Once they pull your gaze off, you're open for the next phase of the attack.

The second class of spirits are

  • Powers which carry the aspect of that old serpent mentioned in Revelation 20.

Old Serpent means one that is artfully malicious.
One who dreams up ways to cause you pain.

It takes 1,000 rank of powers to carry that aspect to cause you pain.
It usually comes from friends and family and sometimes those in people's church.
Those who can emotionally drive you down, depress you.
You couldn't see it coming because your gaze is off.
Now you can't see straight and you're in pain.

Sources, Connectors, Word of the Day

aka quasi-stellar object or QSO
an extremely luminous active galactic nucleus (AGN), in which a supermassive black hole with mass ranging from millions to billions of times the mass of the Sun is surrounded by a gaseous accretion disk. As gas in the disk falls towards the black hole, energy is released in the form of electromagnetic radiation, which can be observed across the electromagnetic spectrum. The power radiated by quasars is enormous; the most powerful quasars have luminosities thousands of times greater than a galaxy such as the Milky Way.

How does this tie into the intelligence briefing?
The redshifts of quasars are of cosmological origin.

Adam pronounced upon creation as Odom. . . comes from a luminous glow and includes the life force of the red blodd.

quasars were first identified during the 1950s as sources of radio-wave emission of unknown physical origin – and when identified in photographic images at visible wavelengths, they resembled faint, star-like points of light. High-resolution images of quasars, particularly from the Hubble Space Telescope, have demonstrated that quasars occur in the centers of galaxies, and that some host galaxies are strongly interacting or merging galaxies.

he observed properties of a quasar depend on many factors, including the mass of the black hole, the rate of gas accretion, the orientation of the accretion disk relative to the observer, the presence or absence of a jet, and the degree of obscuration by gas and dust within the host galaxy.

The nearest known quasar is about 600 million light-years away (Markarian 231).

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when radio astronomy commenced in the 1950s, astronomers detected, among the galaxies, a small number of anomalous objects with properties that defied explanation.

The objects emitted large amounts of radiation of many frequencies, but no source could be located optically, or in some cases only a faint and point-like object somewhat like a distant star. The spectral lines of these objects, which identify the chemical elements of which the object is composed, were also extremely strange and defied explanation. Some of them changed their luminosity very rapidly in the optical range and even more rapidly in the X-ray range, suggesting an upper limit on their size, perhaps no larger than our own Solar System.

This implies an extremely high power density.

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In 1963
Astronomers had detected what appeared to be a faint blue star at the location of the radio source and obtained its spectrum, which contained many unknown broad emission lines. The anomalous spectrum defied interpretation.

The small sizes were confirmed by interferometry and by observing the speed with which the quasar as a whole varied in output, and by their inability to be seen in even the most powerful visible-light telescopes as anything more than faint starlike points of light.

The small sizes were confirmed by interferometry and by observing the speed with which the quasar as a whole varied in output, and by their inability to be seen in even the most powerful visible-light telescopes as anything more than faint starlike points of light.

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Fields of astronomy, fiber optics, engineering metrology, optical metrology, oceanography, seismology, spectroscopy (and its applications to chemistry), quantum mechanics, nuclear and particle physics, plasma physics, remote sensing, biomolecular interactions, surface profiling, microfluidics, mechanical stress/strain measurement, velocimetry, optometry, and making holograms.

In other words inference is used a great deal.
May lead one to wonder What Else is it used for as the Mirror is a common them throughout the science fiction genre, entertainment and "programming." WHY?

The mirror is a phrase and suggestion dropped a lot. WHY? What does it give those who want to conceal the ability to do or portray?

Interferometers are devices that extract information from interference. They are widely used in science and industry for the measurement of microscopic displacements, refractive index changes and surface irregularities. In the case with most interferometers, light from a single source is split into two beams that travel in different optical paths, which are then combined again to produce interference

In analytical science, interferometers are used to measure lengths and the shape of optical components with nanometer precision; they are the highest precision length measuring instruments in existence.

In Fourier transform spectroscopy they are used to analyze light containing features of absorption or emission associated with a substance or mixture.

An astronomical interferometer consists of two or more separate telescopes that combine their signals, offering a resolution equivalent to that of a telescope of diameter equal to the largest separation between its individual elements.

Interferometry makes use of the principle of superposition to combine waves in a way that will cause the result of their combination to have some meaningful property that is diagnostic of the original state of the waves.

This works because when two waves with the same frequency combine, the resulting intensity pattern is determined by the phase difference between the two waves—waves that are in phase will undergo constructive interference while waves that are out of phase will undergo destructive interference. Waves which are not completely in phase nor completely out of phase will have an intermediate intensity pattern, which can be used to determine their relative phase difference. Most interferometers use light or some other form of electromagnetic wave.

The well-known Michelson configuration) a single incoming beam of coherent light will be split into two identical beams by a beam splitter (a partially reflecting mirror). Each of these beams travels a different route, called a path, and they are recombined before arriving at a detector. The path difference, the difference in the distance traveled by each beam, creates a phase difference between them. It is this introduced phase difference that creates the interference pattern between the initially identical waves.

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As seen here,

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the observer has a direct view of mirror M1 seen through the beam splitter, and sees a reflected image M′2 of mirror M2. The fringes can be interpreted as the result of interference between light coming from the two virtual images S′1 and S′2 of the original source S. The characteristics of the interference pattern depend on the nature of the light source and the precise orientation of the mirrors and beam splitter.

the optical elements are oriented so that S′1 and S′2 are in line with the observer, and the resulting interference pattern consists of circles centered on the normal to M1 and M'2.

M1 and M′2 are tilted with respect to each other, the interference fringes will generally take the shape of conic sections (hyperbolas), but if M′1 and M′2 overlap, the fringes near the axis will be straight, parallel, and equally spaced.

Use of white light will result in a pattern of colored fringes as seen below. The central fringe representing equal path length may be light or dark depending on the number of phase inversions experienced by the two beams as they traverse the optical system.

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In homodyne detection, the interference occurs between two beams at the same wavelength (or carrier frequency).
The resulting intensity of the light after mixing of these two beams is measured, or the pattern of interference fringes is viewed or recorded.

The heterodyne technique is used for shifting an input signal into a new frequency range as well as amplifying a weak input signal (assuming use of an active mixer). A weak input signal of frequency f1 is mixed with a strong reference frequency f2 from a local oscillator (LO)

The nonlinear combination of the input signals creates two new signals, one at the sum f1 + f2 of the two frequencies, and the other at the difference f1 − f2. These new frequencies are called heterodynes. Typically only one of the new frequencies is desired, and the other signal is filtered out of the output of the mixer.

The most important and widely used application of the heterodyne technique is in the superheterodyne receiver (superhet), invented by U.S. engineer Edwin Howard Armstrong in 1918. In this circuit, the incoming radio frequency signal from the antenna is mixed with a signal from a local oscillator (LO) and converted by the heterodyne technique to a lower fixed frequency signal called the intermediate frequency (IF). This IF is amplified and filtered, before being applied to a detector which extracts the audio signal, which is sent to the loudspeaker.

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An intermediate frequency (IF) can be more conveniently processed than the original carrier frequency.

A superheterodyne receiver or superhet was long believed to have been invented by US engineer Edwin Armstrong, but after some controversy the earliest patent for the invention is now credited to French radio engineer and radio manufacturer Lucien Lèvy.

Virtually all modern radio receivers use the superheterodyne principle.

Optical heterodyne detection is an extension of the heterodyne technique to higher (visible) frequencies.

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A fibre-optic gyroscope (FOG) senses changes in orientation using the Sagnac effect, thus performing the function of a mechanical gyroscope. However its principle of operation is instead based on the interference of light which has passed through a coil of optical fibre, which can be as long as 5 kilometres (3 mi).

The Sagnac effect is a phenomenon encountered in interferometry that is elicited by rotation. The Sagnac effect manifests itself in a setup called a ring interferometer. A beam of light is split and the two beams are made to follow the same path but in opposite directions.

On return to the point of entry the two light beams are allowed to exit the ring and undergo interference. The relative phases of the two exiting beams, and thus the position of the interference fringes, are shifted according to the angular velocity of the apparatus. In other words, when the interferometer is at rest with respect to a nonrotating frame, the light takes the same amount of time to traverse the ring in either direction. However, when the interferometer system is spun, one beam of light has a longer path to travel than the other in order to complete one circuit of the mechanical frame, and so takes longer, resulting in a phase difference between the two beams.

A FOG provides extremely precise rotational rate information, in part because of its lack of cross-axis sensitivity to vibration, acceleration, and shock. Unlike the classic spinning-mass gyroscope or resonant/mechanical gyroscopes, the FOG has no moving parts and doesn't rely on inertial resistance to movement. Hence, the FOG is an excellent alternative to a mechanical gyroscope. Because of their intrinsic reliability and long lifetime, FOGs are used for high performance space applications and military inertial navigation systems.

Reminds me of a deal Hunter Biden and his investment firm did with China when they purchased an American Auto Co. in Michigan called Henniges and who they utilized to get the Deal Done. Interesting.

In order to fully appreciate the significance. ..you have to know the whole back story and how these people tie in. . .so here we go.

According to Newsweek,

In 2018, Archer was implicated in a legal case that involved defrauding a Native American tribe and multiple pension funds. His conviction was overturned when a judge was "left with an unwavering concern that Archer is innocent of the crimes charged," Reuters reported in November 2018. See more in sources below.

The three friends established a series of related LLCs. The trunk of the tree was Rosemont Capital, the alternative investment fund of the Heinz Family Office. Rosemont Farm is the name of the Heinz family’s 90-acre estate outside Fox Chapel, Pennsylvania.

Christopher Heinz was Devon Archer's roommate at Yale University. In addition, Devon Archer was senior adviser to Heinz's stepfather, Democratic Senator John Kerry Kerry, during his 2004 presidential bid.

Just practicing my right to Think. . .do you suppose it helps to have friends in High Places? Because when they're going Low, someone in a High Place of let's just say. . .Career Politicians, Elitists, Establishment can get them Out of accountability. Ahhh, the world of the wealthy, connected elitists!

The small fund grew quickly. According to an email revealed as part of a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation, Rosemont described themselves as “a $2.4 billion private equity firm co-owned by Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz,” with Devon Archer as “Managing Partner.”

The partners attached several branches to the Rosemont Capital trunk, including Rosemont Seneca Partners, LLC, Rosemont Seneca Technology Partners, and Rosemont Realty.

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Of the various deals in which these Rosemont entities were involved, one of the largest and most troubling concerns was Rosemont Seneca Partners.

Rather than set up shop in New York City, the financial capital of the world, Rosemont Seneca leased space in Washington, DC. They occupied an all-brick building on Wisconsin Avenue, the main thoroughfare of exclusive Georgetown. Their offices would be less than a mile from John and Teresa Kerry’s 23-room Georgetown mansion, and just two miles from both Joe Biden’s office in the White House and his residence at the Naval Observatory.

Over the next seven years, as both Joe Biden and John Kerry negotiated sensitive and high-stakes deals with foreign governments,

Rosemont entities secured a series of exclusive deals often with those same foreign governments.

Some of the deals they secured may remain hidden. These Rosemont entities are, after all, within a private equity firm and as such are not required to report or disclose their financial dealings publicly.

Some of their transactions are nevertheless traceable by investigating world capital markets. A troubling pattern emerges from this research, showing how profitable deals were struck with foreign governments on the heels of crucial diplomatic missions carried out by their powerful fathers.

Often those foreign entities gained favorable policy actions from the United States government just as the sons were securing favorable financial deals from those same entities.

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Nowhere is that more true than in their commercial dealings with Chinese government-backed enterprises.

Rosemont Seneca joined forces in doing business in China with another politically connected consultancy called the Thornton Group. The Massachusetts-based firm is headed by James Bulger, the nephew of the notorious mob hitman James “Whitey” Bulger. Whitey was the leader of the Winter Hill Gang, part of the South Boston mafia. Under indictment for 19 murders, he disappeared. He was later arrested, tried, and convicted.

James Bulger’s father, Whitey’s younger brother, Billy Bulger, serves on the board of directors of the Thornton Group. He was the longtime leader of the Massachusetts state Senate and, with their long overlap by state and by party, a political ally of Massachusetts Senator John Kerry.

Less than a year after opening Rosemont Seneca’s doors, Hunter Biden and Devon Archer were in China, having secured access at the highest levels. Thornton Group’s account of the meeting on their Chinese-language website was telling: Chinese executives “extended their warm welcome” to the “Thornton Group, with its US partner Rosemont Seneca chairman Hunter Biden (second son of then Vice President Joe Biden).”

The purpose of the meetings was to “explore the possibility of commercial cooperation and opportunity.” Curiously, details about the meeting do not appear on their English-language website.

Also, according to the Thornton Group, the three Americans met with the largest and most powerful government fund leaders in China — even though Rosemont was both new and small.

Do you suppose it helps to have Family in High Places?

The timing of this meeting was also curious. It occurred just hours before Hunter Biden’s father, the vice president, met with Chinese President Hu in Washington as part of the Nuclear Security Summit.

Wow! Biden gets around!

There was a second known meeting with many of the same Chinese financial titans in Taiwan in May 2011. For a small firm like Rosemont Seneca with no track record, it was an impressive level of access to China’s largest financial players. And it was just two weeks after Joe Biden had opened up the US-China strategic dialogue with Chinese officials in Washington.

On one of the first days of December 2013, Hunter Biden was jetting across the Pacific Ocean aboard Air Force Two with his father and daughter Finnegan. The vice president was heading to Asia on an extended official trip. Tensions in the region were on the rise.

The American delegation was visiting Japan, China, and South Korea. But it was the visit to China that had the most potential to generate conflict and controversy. The Obama administration had instituted the “Asia Pivot” in its international strategy, shifting attention away from Europe and toward Asia, where China was flexing its muscles.

For Hunter Biden, the trip coincided with a major deal that Rosemont Seneca was striking with the state-owned Bank of China. From his perspective, the timing couldn’t have been better.

Vice President Biden, Hunter Biden and Finnegan arrived to a red carpet and a delegation of Chinese officials. Greeted by Chinese children carrying flowers, the delegation was then whisked to a meeting with Vice President Li Yuanchao and talks with President Xi Jinping.

Hunter and Finnegan Biden joined the vice president for tea with US Ambassador Gary Locke at the Liu Xian Guan Teahouse in the Dongcheng District in Beijing. Where Hunter Biden spent the rest of his time on the trip remains largely a mystery. There are actually more reports of his daughter Finnegan’s activities than his.

What was not reported was the deal that Hunter was securing. Rosemont Seneca Partners had been negotiating an exclusive deal with Chinese officials, which they signed approximately 10 days after Hunter visited China with his father. The most powerful financial institution in China, the government’s Bank of China, was setting up a joint venture with Rosemont Seneca.

The Bank of China is an enormously powerful financial institution. But the Bank of China is very different from the Bank of America. The Bank of China is government-owned, which means that its role as a bank blurs into its role as a tool of the government. The Bank of China provides capital for “China’s economic statecraft,” as scholar James Reilly puts it. Bank loans and deals often occur within the context of a government goal

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Rosemont Seneca and the Bank of China created a $1 billion investment fund called Bohai Harvest RST (BHR), a name that reflected who was involved. Bohai (or Bo Hai), the innermost gulf of the Yellow Sea, was a reference to the Chinese stake in the company. The “RS” referred to Rosemont Seneca. The “T” was Thornton.

See Yellow River portrayed in Opening Ceremony of 7th World Military Games

Taken from here

The fund enjoyed an unusual and special status in China. BHR touted its “unique Sino-US shareholding structure” and “the global resources and network” that allowed it to secure investment “opportunities.”

Funds were backed by the Chinese government.

In short, the Chinese government was literally funding a business that it co-owned along with the sons of two of America’s most powerful decision makers.

The partnership between American princelings and the Chinese government was just a beginning. The actual investment deals that this partnership made were even more problematic. Many of them would have serious national security implications for the United States.

In 2015, BHR joined forces with the automotive subsidiary of the Chinese state-owned military aviation contractor Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) to buy American “dual-use” parts manufacturer Henniges.

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Looked up this team and found.. .

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As This would be a Big Deal to go down to say the least, it appears they would need someone of This caliber who likely already has an "In" with the Securities and Exchange commission as she was an in the Enforcement Division of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Northeast Regional Office.

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AVIC is a major military contractor in China. It operates “under the direct control of the State Council” and produces a wide array of fighter and bomber aircraft, transports, and drones — primarily designed to compete with the United States.

Does That not seem like a Conflict of Interest to anyone?

The company also has a long history of stealing Western technology and applying it to military systems. The year before BHR joined with AVIC, the Wall Street Journal reported that the aviation company had stolen technologies related to the US F-35 stealth fighter and incorporated them in their own stealth fighter, the J-31. AVIC has also been accused of stealing US drone systems and using them to produce their own.

In September 2015, when AVIC bought 51 percent of American precision-parts manufacturer Henniges, the other 49 percent was purchased by the Biden-and-Kerry-linked BHR.

Henniges is recognized as a world leader in anti-vibration technologies in the automotive industry and for its precise, state-of-the-art manufacturing capabilities. Anti-vibration technologies are considered “dual-use” because they can have a military application, according to both the State Department and Department of Commerce.

The technology is also on the restricted Commerce Control List used by the federal government to limit the exports of certain technologies. For that reason, the Henniges deal would require the approval of the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which reviews sensitive business transactions that may have a national security implication.

According to BHR internal documents, the Henniges deal included “arduous and often-times challenging negotiations.” The CFIUS review in 2015 included representatives from numerous government agencies including John Kerry’s State Department.

The deal was approved in 2015.

An extraordinary amount of effort was applied to shield Joe Biden and by extension (and most importantly), the Obama administration from the consequences of Biden’s actions.

How might this shake out?

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Biden. . .the 2nd most powerful person in the world at that time and his son raking in millions All Over the World!

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Remember when Biden tried to say he didn't know about his son being involved with Burisma.

Awe, Good Times, good memories.

They removed this from Twitter but preserved it here,

Look at this Photograph Trump Tweet Classic Biden, Hunter, Ukraine Gas Exec

Hannity covered some of this here,

Hannity: Hunter Biden was peddling his influence

Thank you Great Researcher Robin Clark for this Key source,
The Senate report on Hunter Biden, Burisma, and Corruption


So take special note of that Henniges auto.

What do you see that correlates to the fibre-optic gyroscope (FOG)?

More verification of what I am pointing to.

Peter Schweizer did a story on this and Breitbart reported.

Peter Schweizer: Hunter Biden Helped China Buy Our ‘National Security’ Assets

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Schweizer examined China’s acquisition of Henniges Automotive — a formerly America-based company developing “dual-use” technologies with military applications — by Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), a Chinese state-run military contractor. AVIC acquired Henniges in 2015 with a 51 percent stake purchase. The remaining 49 percent was purchased by Bohai Harvest RST (BHR), a private equity firm founded by Hunter Biden and funded with $1.5 billion from the Chinese government via the Bank of China.

“[BHR] was buying companies that were involved in America’s high-tech sector, and companies that had dual-use technologies [with both] civilian applications and military applications,” Schweizer noted. “Henniges produces precision-tuned anti-vibration technologies.”

The Chinese government’s acquisition of Henniges “required the approval of the Obama administration” and “Hunter Biden’s help,” added Schweizer, “and lo and behold, the Obama administration gave them exactly that approval.”

Schweizer addressed the Obama administration’s approval of China’s acquisition of Henniges Automotive via the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which he described as an opaque governmental body broadly exempted from public transparency measures.

“CFIUS … is a very secretive body,” said Schweizer.”They don’t release any documents, generally. You can’t even obtain [documents pertaining to] everything they do through the Freedom of Information Act, and the rationale is, ‘Well, we’re talking about company secrets and technologies, so we do’t want to give away any of those trade secrets.’ That may apply in some cases, but generally, I think that’s just a ridiculous excuse that allows them to not be accountable for the decisions that they make. The problem is this deal is that there’s no question that this purchase of Henniges had military application.”

Schweizer summarized, “The Obama administration approved a deal where the son of the then-sitting vice president, in partnership with a Chinese government investment firm and a Chinese military contractor, purchased an American technology machine tool parts company that had military application.”

He added, “What’s truly shocking about the Hunter Biden deal with the Chinese is not just that the Chinese were helping the son of the sitting vice president get rich, it’s the fact that the vice president’s son was involved in this Henniges deal which ended up helping the Chinese military. He was involved in another deal called CGN — Chinese General Nuclear — which is a Chinese nuclear company that was implicated in spying — stealing nuclear secrets from the United States — by the FBI. Executives from that company have been arrested. These are firms that Hunter Biden’s investment firm is involved in, and Hunter Biden sits on the board of directors of this Chinese government-funded investment company. It’s truly shocking. It’s not just your run-of-the-mill cronyism and a guy getting rich because of who his dad is. These are very serious national security issues and the Bidens just, frankly looked the other way and were glad to take the money.”

Ask yourself. . . Who IS “[BHR] was buying companies that were involved in America’s high-tech sector, and companies that had dual-use technologies [with both] civilian applications and military applications,” Schweizer noted. “Henniges produces precision-tuned anti-vibration technologies.”

The Chinese government’s acquisition of Henniges “required the approval of the Obama administration” and “Hunter Biden’s help,” added Schweizer, “and lo and behold, the Obama administration gave them exactly that approval.”

Schweizer addressed the Obama administration’s approval of China’s acquisition of Henniges Automotive via the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which he described as an opaque governmental body broadly exempted from public transparency measures.

“CFIUS … is a very secretive body,” said Schweizer.”They don’t release any documents, generally. You can’t even obtain [documents pertaining to] everything they do through the Freedom of Information Act, and the rationale is, ‘Well, we’re talking about company secrets and technologies, so we do’t want to give away any of those trade secrets.’ That may apply in some cases, but generally, I think that’s just a ridiculous excuse that allows them to not be accountable for the decisions that they make. The problem is this deal is that there’s no question that this purchase of Henniges had military application.”

Schweizer summarized, “The Obama administration approved a deal where the son of the then-sitting vice president, in partnership with a Chinese government investment firm and a Chinese military contractor, purchased an American technology machine tool parts company that had military application.”

He added, “What’s truly shocking about the Hunter Biden deal with the Chinese is not just that the Chinese were helping the son of the sitting vice president get rich, it’s the fact that the vice president’s son was involved in this Henniges deal which ended up helping the Chinese military. He was involved in another deal called CGN — Chinese General Nuclear — which is a Chinese nuclear company that was implicated in spying — stealing nuclear secrets from the United States — by the FBI. Executives from that company have been arrested. These are firms that Hunter Biden’s investment firm is involved in, and Hunter Biden sits on the board of directors of this Chinese government-funded investment company. It’s truly shocking. It’s not just your run-of-the-mill cronyism and a guy getting rich because of who his dad is. These are very serious national security issues and the Bidens just, frankly looked the other way and were glad to take the money.”

Ask yourself Who is Jacqueline Zucker?
How far back does she go and just Who All did she have connections to?

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Interesting right?

Facilitated the deal of Henniges to the Chinese Company called AVIC
The Aviation Industry Corporation of China is a Chinese state-owned aerospace and defense conglomerate headquartered in Beijing.

has over 100 subsidiaries, 27 listed companies and 500,000 employees across the globe.

AVIC is a major military contractor in China. It operates “under the direct control of the State Council” and produces a wide array of fighter and bomber aircraft, transports, and drones — primarily designed to compete with the United States.

Does That not seem like a Conflict of Interest to anyone?

The company also has a long history of stealing Western technology and applying it to military systems. The year before BHR joined with AVIC, the Wall Street Journal reported that the aviation company had stolen technologies related to the US F-35 stealth fighter and incorporated them in their own stealth fighter, the J-31. AVIC has also been accused of stealing US drone systems and using them to produce their own.

In September 2015, when AVIC bought 51 percent of American precision-parts manufacturer Henniges, the other 49 percent was purchased by the Biden-and-Kerry-linked BHR.

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The stealing military secrets IS interesting for Various Reasons beside the obvious as. . .


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See more information on who stole 21 vials of biological material in those arrests though also here on a J1-Visa in here. Just click through the photo frames and see documented verification, evidence and source links throughout.

I will show you how there are Connections All over the MAP!

a Harvard Professor who was Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Harvard University...

Do you remember Who worked at Bear Stearns?

So back to that

fibre-optic gyroscope (FOG) senses changes in orientation using the Sagnac effect, thus performing the function of a mechanical gyroscope. However its principle of operation is instead based on the interference of light which has passed through a coil of optical fibre, which can be as long as 5 kilometres (3 mi).

a phenomenon encountered in interferometry that is elicited by rotation. The Sagnac effect manifests itself in a setup called a ring interferometer. A beam of light is split and the two beams are made to follow the same path but in opposite directions. On return to the point of entry the two light beams are allowed to exit the ring and undergo interference. The relative phases of the two exiting beams, and thus the position of the interference fringes, are shifted according to the angular velocity of the apparatus. In other words, when the interferometer is at rest with respect to a nonrotating frame, the light takes the same amount of time to traverse the ring in either direction.

Black Mirror much?

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Have you seen the Netflix version?
What tells right?

Some FOG designs are somewhat sensitive to vibrations.[4] However, when coupled with multiple-axis FOG and accelerometers and hybridized with GNSS data, the impact is mitigated, making FOG systems suitable for high shock environments, including gun pointing systems for 105mm and 155mm howitzers.

Now ask yourself. . .why Are Vibrations Important?

How about the Physics of it all?
What is Quantum Entanglement?

Take notice. . . other American companies they gained access to and took over. WHY was this allowed?

AVIC purchased American aircraft engine manufacturer Continental Motors, Inc. in 2010, aircraft manufacturer Cirrus in 2011, and specialized parts supplier Align Aerospace in 2015.

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Interesting? You decide!

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The brothers started Cirrus in the basement of their parents' rural dairy barn near Baraboo, Wisconsin.

When Dale reached the age of 15, he learned to fly in a Cessna 140 before learning to drive a car. Alan joined the Civil Air Patrol at age 17 as a way of receiving more affordable flying lessons. In his youth he often spoke about how he and his younger brother would one day design and build aircraft that would compete with Cessna.

Alan and Dale are two of three children born to Larry and Carol Klapmeier. They come from an entrepreneurial family. The eldest brother, Ernie Klapmeier, opened his own accessory store of military reenactment goods and regalia in Aurora, Illinois and has managed the shop since its founding in 1997; their uncle, Jim Klapmeier, and grandfather, Elmer Klapmeier, were both entrepreneurs in the boat manufacturing industry and started as a two-person company building pontoon-like houseboats on Rainy Lake, Minnesota throughout the 1950s. Elmer ran a second business flying a "puddle jumper" plane around Wisconsin delivering parts to dairy farmers, while Jim later moved the boat project to a facility in Mora, Minnesota where he grew and retained it for several decades, transitioning into the market of fiberglass motor yachts.

Alan graduated in 1980 from Wisconsin's Ripon College with degrees in physics and economics.

The Klapmeier brothers would often fly their Champ from the farm up to their uncle's boat-building business in Mora to borrow tools and other supplies—such as polyester resin—for building the plane and molding its fuselage. To reduce cost, they went to different junk yards around Wisconsin and bought what they needed: a control system out of a wrecked Piper aircraft, a Cherokee nose landing gear to weld parts onto it and convert it to a retractable gear, and an O-540 (290 hp) engine they got off a scrapped de Havilland Heron. The first VK-30 slowly took shape.

Find more here,

You've Got this Justin! Hebrews 11:1
King James Version
11 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. JUST LOOK at all those 11's! Astounding isn't it? H=8, E=5, B=2, R=18, E=5, W=23, S=19 Total is 70 zero's are null leaving 7 God's number for divine completion and perfection! You've Got this. . .Put on the His armor! How Great are you and what Victorious works will you do when He gave you HIS armor. You are Greater than the enemy! Remember. . .Great things are coming and Much of the hidden to benefit humanity Will be released!

More verses proving we are made in the image of God,
Genesis 1:27
King James Version
27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

Even after the fall,
Genesis 9:6
“Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man.”

Genesis 5:1-3
King James Version
5 This is the book of the generations of Adam. In the day that God created man, in the likeness of God made he him;

2 Male and female created he them; and blessed them, and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.

3 And Adam lived an hundred and thirty years, and begat a son in his own likeness, and after his image; and called his name Seth:

The image of God is understood in light of Creation [created in God's image], the Fall [image of God in man distorted, still image of God], the redemption of Christ [renewal of the image of God in man], and the final glorification of the saints [perfection of the image of God in man].

Satan keeps wanting to make us think we are Less than, but God had a specific purpose in mind when He chose to create us in His image.

Prepping for a Cyber Pandemic: Cyber Polygon to Stage Supply Chain Attack Simulation

The WEF will stage another cyber attack exercise as it preps for a potential cyber pandemic. Will Cyber Polygon 2021 insights be as prophetic as Event 201?


Cyber Polygon

The international capacity building initiative aimed at raising the global cyber resilience and the expansion of intersectoral cooperation against cyberthreats


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