Who is Elohim? Jehovah? Yahweh? YHWH? Yahuah?

in elohim •  7 years ago 

-The Father, YAHUAH-

In our generation, tradition has replaced Truth. Yet, along with the great apostasy that predates the incoming false-messiah (2 Thessalonians 2) comes the sealing of The Elect (Ezekiel 9, Rev 6&9). In this age of information, we are encouraged to test different doctrines; never let your feet be moved from The Rock. The winds are howling and the faith of many are loosely drifting; I pray we may catch as many as possible and show them The Temple of The Holy Spirit, assisting them in becoming Pillars in His Temple.
Each morning is a gift. As my eyes awaken, I hasten to meet the day with joy, immediately reminding myself of the purpose of the duality I’ll battle and the victory I have over its darkness thanks to The Passover Lamb, YAHUSHA, The Messiah, The Light of the world.
Before setting course, the destination must be known-especially in an era where the straight and narrow is leading us through the eye of a needle; we must ensure our trajectory is not dissuaded by the elements. Stand firm in the assuredness of The Promise of eternal life. David says in Psalm 138:2 “I will worship toward Thy Holy Temple, and praise Thy Name for Thy Lovingkindness and for Thy Truth: for Thou hast magnified Thy Word above all Thy Name.” Our path is towards praising His Name, His True Name.
There are different Titles that are given to The Creator throughout the Modern KJV: God, Lord, LORD, LORD God, Lord God, Most High, etc. Yet, there are a few times in which God tells us what His Name is, and in the KJV it is recorded as Jehovah… This Name has been the center of a great war. There are two sides to this war: Truth and confusion.
Identifying the most ancient manuscripts of our Bible is critical to ensuring we have the most accurate representation of The Father’s Name as called upon by the patriarchs. This is done in some cases by carbon-14 dating of manuscripts; however, the most accurate method of dating is linguistic analysis. The Dead Sea Scrolls, the most ancient collection of Biblical manuscripts, were written in the four languages of Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and Arabic. Due to the modern age of information we are able to establish a timeline of the years each of these languages was spoken and determine that the most ancient version of His Name is found in Paleo-Hebrew, which is also found on an archaeological piece called the Mesha Stele or Moabite Stone in which The Name is referenced, dating to the ninth century BC.

Understanding The Name as presented in modern languages is essential to decoding the transformations that have taken place as transliterations from language to language have only detracted from The Truth, similar to the detraction of 14 books from the 1611 KJV Bible and countless others from the time of Messiah. Jehovah is the most modern transliteration of The Name, which comes from the modern Hebrew transliteration יהוה which is rooted in the paleo-Hebrew. We can trace history from the modern English to the paleo-Hebrew to discover if ‘Jehovah’ is the most accurate representation of The Name for modern English readers.
A look into the modern English letters will reveal some interesting variations from old English. The cover page of any 1611 KJV Bible reveals interesting names such as Iehovah (Jehovah), Ifaac (Isaac), and Pavl (Paul). These names are not improper transliterations; yet, they were meant for a generation speaking a language and reading an alphabet that has progressed continually for 400 years, leaving behind it only traces of the reality of ancient times.

To understand the pronunciation of The Name, first, the e, o, and a must be understood as extras. Since the original had only four letters, we will work with JHVH. The letter ‘J’ was properly pronounced “ee.” The letter itself used to be a capital ‘I’ until modern English changed it; shockingly, the pronunciation has changed along with the new letter. It can also be properly written as a ‘Y.’ Thirdly, the second letter of The Tetragrammaton is transliterated ‘H,’ which begs the question of proper phonetic representation. This letter is pronounced differently when it is the first letter of a word than when it is in the middle of a word. Since it comes after the ‘J’ in JHVH, we can determine its pronunciation is accompanied by the insertion of the vowel ‘A’ beforehand. It is important to note that this addition of the vowel ‘A’ is determined from the rules of modern Hebrew, which is a better fit than importing the vowel ‘e’ from the rules of old English. Wherefore, we have the next syllable: ‘AH.’ This gives us the first half of The Name as YAH. modern English translators transliterate one ‘H’ as ‘EH’ and the other as ‘AH,’ but the last letter of the name is in the exact scenario as the first ‘H’ and as such is transliterated the same way. So, the last stop on our journey to transliterate The Name from paleo-Hebrew is understanding the letter ‘V.’ This letter has been changed today to ‘u’ and carries the pronunciation ‘oo’ such as in the sound a cow makes: moo.
So, we have the four letters: Y-AH-U-AH, pronounced ‘Ee-Ah-Oo-Ah.’ I propose IAUA as a modernized update to the older JHWH and popularized YHWH since the ‘Y’ in English transliteration is actually a combination of the letters ‘IA’, and the ‘W’ is simply a combination of the letters ‘UA.’ This is only one of many ways to spell The Name with English letters; I encourage studying all sources to find the truth for oneself!
As intimately as possible, I’ve sought His Name. The mystery of iniquity has sown doubt and deception throughout history and “cast down truth” for a while. The proper transliteration of the letter ‘h’ in The Name being a modern addition, I hesitate every time I call on my Father. I pray we will never take His Name in vain, but continually seek the truth and further insight. His New Name will be revealed upon His Return and His Authority will be restored. Until then, I will continue to seek the verity of the information we’ve been presented and do my best to share it in unadulterated form.
Jay-Z calls himself hova because Jehovah is what they translate our FATHER's name to, but it isn't so. Hova in the original language means to ruin/mischief and Jehovah itself is a wrongly-transliterated word.
Our FATHER's name is YAHUAH which means I AM THAT I AM and is The Name our FATHER gave to HIMSELF. The Name means HE is self-existent, a claim no other can rightfully make.
The Anointed Savior HE came as bears the name YAHUSHA.
Exodus 23:20 Behold, I am sending an angel before you, to guard you on the way and to bring you into the place that I have prepared. 21 Watch for Him and listen to His voice. Do not rebel against Him because He will not pardon your transgression, for My Name is in Him. 22 But if you listen closely to His voice, and do everything I say, I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries.
I know everyday millions of people search the web on Yahoo(YAH-who?). It’s time to learn the name of your FATHER, children. There is power in the name of: YAHUAH and YAHUSHA. The Holy Spirit is sent in The Name of The Messiah!

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