I'm sad for us all this morning. Now Musk is grabbing, or being grabbed by, publicity to smoke-screen the real shakers because he has the money edge over people who want to get more shadow cover, that would be Gates and Bezos most of all. The amount of money this man has is almost as meaningless as his crazy pronouncements when he and a handful of people can apparently accumulate the $3.9 Trillion which would have gone to the earnings of the world's workers in this past year of a pandemic and a disease that has put a muzzle on the entire world, and yet the disease doesn't exist – it literally doesn't exist as a laboratory-proved real virus distinct from flu.
Just above this item about Elon Musk’s money, a click-grabber from something called "DTES Secure Supply" has been placed. "Down Town East Side"? That's Vancouver. "Secure Supply"? What in unholy hell am I being invited to click my mouse at? "Supply" of what? Illicit drugs? Because this entity is asking viewers to condemn the military takeover of Myanmar in what was once called Indochina, the area ill-famed for the Vietnam War, Pol Pot and heroin. So this weird suggestion by weird sources is placed on my feed. It stinks of suggestions I do not wish to sniff.
The flap in Myanmar is trying to generate buzz on the internet. An aerobics teacher back there put out a workout video oblivious of the fact that military vehicles were moving in the background during this coup, or so the story goes. What struck me is that this girl was doing an aerobics routine while her mouth and nose were covered with a medical mask. Every picture of anybody on the news anywhere on earth has them wearing one of these idiotic paper masks. Joe Biden, who during his so-called presidential campaign said only tyrants rule by Presidential executive orders, has issued over 40 of them so far. One of them was a decree that all Americans will wear a medical mask at all times everywhere.
Meanwhile that all Americans are being muzzled, all Canadians are being terrorized by what calls itself our Federal and Provincial elected governmental system. There's terror in Myanmar? Oh really?! When innocent and healthy and regulation-compliant Nikki Mathis is kidnapped by police uniforms and hustled into an unmarked van and transported to a location they refuse to divulge? And I'm supposed to pile on the hypocrisy of some typical Canadian "we're so democratic and why aren't you"?
Oh wow. We're so nice and safe and democratic and oh so free and liberal and normal up here. We're being terrorized by governments that cover our mouths with muzzles at the command of unelected "Health authorities" whose loyalties lie outside this country and our police are hunting down healthy and innocent people to confine them on the orders – the whims! – of these stinky little power-drunk bureaucrats which are broadcast by a man who pretends to be a Liberal Prime Minister. And soon I'm going to go to a brunch with friends who wear medical masks and I'm betting they are going to tell me they don't believe anybody would be kidnapped by the police at Calgary Airport and hustled to a secret prison. I'm sad already.