Can you tell shiz from sausage? !!WARNING!! This will trigger 97% of the population

in elon •  2 years ago 

Sick from living in this cesspool of lies.
How is a person meant to get traction when almost everything we´ve been taught is caca, almost everything promoted is deceitful, almost all our supposed authorities are corrupt, controlled or useful idiots...
And I don´t just mean everything I mean EVERYTHING.

The big stupid debate right now is ¨will Elon save humanity with twitter___¨, the great ¨global¨(lol) town square where he sits thinking he´s Sophacles.
This is the dude famous for saying ¨it must be real because it looks so fake¨ in regards to a red sports car he pretended he was sending to Mars. ¨Planets¨ are wandering stars, changing matrixes of light, from any telescope footage I have ever viewed. Use your god'given senses and stop being programmed.

Joe Rogan is a sell-out. He was once verging on interesting when he sussed out the moon hoax for himself but soon after got bought. Now he´s supposed to be another great intellect of our times. Spare us.
Once someone lies to you once they become useless. You can´t move forward and grow with liars.

The Moon landings are a massive crock of shit. Just look at NASAs own photos. The ¨lunar lander¨ has sticky tape all over it ffs.

Gravity is a wank to confuse and deceive you. Density and levity or buoyancy explains why things rise and fall in this physical plane realm.

These are the facts that are not in dispute

Donald Trump, while entertaining,- is also compromised heavily. All politicians are ticks. We don´t need them. Ä person either governs themself, by their own inner conscience- natural law-, or we will be ¨governed¨ by these inferior self serving faithless pests. But hey, keep voting, keep paying taxes by all means.

Covaids is a way for the elite to get you to kill yourself for them, accepting their time-bomb experimental poisons and AI transferring tech into your body.

The ¨Royal Family¨ or the spawn of the antichrist. No one is above anyone. We are all one.

Generational abuse and addiction. Almost everyone I´ve ever met including myself seems damaged, stunted, retarded, by this. The only way out is through.

Happiness is success. No. Feeling is success. Otherwise you get everyone pretending to be happy and stunting their own self-preserving states like anger and sadness.

Money is happiness. No. A liability. A responsibility for greater and greater number of souls who need help.

External Beauty is important. Lol. I don´t mind being ugly or aging, it´s the greatest fuckwit deflection mechanism of all time.

Cancer secrets. Every single body has cancer. Cancer is a beautiful thing because it doesn´t kill you immediately, so you have time to learn a bit more from this hellish human ruined delusion. Plus there are many cheap-free natural remedies which reverse and cure it. It is a tool to help us clear out our own malware in our programming.

That is all for now. Good luck everyone

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