Elon might be a troll, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt.

in elon •  4 months ago 


People would have thought Elon was much smarter than he was, were he to have stayed away from social media and not shown his ass.

But he did, and I understand. I, too, can't stay away from sharing Harambe memes and silliness. I'm addicted to social media too. To me, this just makes him more relatable rather than knocking him down a peg.

Like... Yeah, he's not a rocket scientist or something. He put his money into stuff he thought was cool, and a lot of it was stuff I thought was cool as well, and I'm glad his money went there. A couple of ventures I didn't think were cool, but who cares?

He did stuff I liked and because of him, the world has changed for the better, I don't really think that's debatable. I don't really care if he likes to troll on Twitter or is immature or isn't as smart as people would have assumed if he limited more what he made public. I love my car, and the entire EV industry wouldn't exist in any meaningful way without him.

Reusable rockets is probably the single greatest advancement in space travel in my lifetime, and wouldn't have happened without him. (At least, neither would have happened as quickly). He deserves his riches and the world is richer because of advancements he was instrumental in achieving.

I do think it's best not to meet your heroes or whatever, and everyone on social media has essentially met him by now, but my thoughts haven't changed on the underlying bits and I'm forgiving of him sometimes saying stupid shit online, because who doesn't?

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