On Saturday, the Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk showed his concern for removing the HQ of Tesla from California amid the escalating dispute with the government officials who pressurized the company to halt down manufacturing the electric vehicles in the factory. Musk also tweeted that he would take legal actions against the Alameda County Health Department about the coronavirus restrictions that stopped them from running the factory in Fremont.
In another tweet, Musk pointed out that it is the final thing to think of here. Tesla would now immediately move the company headquarter and future operations to Texas. He further added whether he would run any programs in Fremont or not, depends on the fact that how the authorities treat the company.
The Chief Executive of Tesla dislikes the stay-at-home since Tesla released its first-quarter revenue on 29 April. He called the decision racist and pressurized the government officials to stop putting restrictions on the people’s freedom.
The orders in San Francisco’s six-county Bay Area compelled the US electric vehicle manufacturing industry to shut down the operations at Fremont starting immediately from 23 March as an attempt to stop the coronavirus spread, and the orders were extended further up to May. As per the public health officials, the total number of cases in the country has been decreased to a great extent after the orders. The California Governor Gavin Newsom ordered the Bay Area counties to keep imposing the ban while relaxing the restrictions in the state’s other parts.
Alameda County’s Health Department expressed on Saturday that their officials are in talks with Tesla and trying to figure out some safety plan to permit the Fremont plan to resume operations while safeguarding the employees. They further added that soon they would come across at some mutual agreement on suitable safety measures.