Songs and Musics, Are partner of everybody in life. Many peoples listen music at part-time for fun, to express their feeling, or while doing their daily works. There are Variety of music platforms available now with extra ordinary features. As I am writing this article on crypto platform so, The music platform must be crypto based. The platform is Elunium with extra ordinary features according to a crypto music platform. Elunium platform has its own coin named Elunium.
What is Elunium Music

Elunium Music is a music sharing platform where peoples can :
Features of Elunium Music

Elunium Coin
Elunium Coin is POS\Masternood coin with high speed, low transaction fees and private transaction.
Having a fast transaction confirmation time is important. Users want to see their coins
travel across the globe instantly. Since Masternodes scale in a linear way, our network
has the potential to support many thousands of transactions per second. Instead of
performing useless computations to mine the next block, Masternodes use transaction locking and consensus[5] to maximize the use of every watt of electricity to
enhance the speed and security of the network. The result is a nearly instantaneous
transaction system that does not rely on a centralized authority.
”Virtual Currencies may hold long-term promise, particularly if the innovations promote a faster, more secure and more efficient payment system.” - Ben Bernanke[6],
Congress address. Elunium will challenge the status quo of big payment processors in
the competitive market of online and offline transactions.
Elunium believe in the original vision: a cryptocurrency should perform well for all use
cases. We want it to be fast, user-friendly, practical, and above all, carry a low transaction cost. We need to be able to do micro-payments of a cent and big payments all the
same. A study from 2011[7] asserts that the cost and inconveniences associated with a
payment method discourage its use in online transactions.
Privacy, both financial and personal, is a key component of life in a free society. Individualsneed to have a private sphere free of government involvement, surveillance,
and control. Financial privacy is essential because it can be the difference between
survival and systematic suppression of opposition groups by authoritarian governments.[9] Financial privacy allows people to protect their life savings when a third
party tries to confiscate their wealth, whether for political, ethnic, religious or “merely”
economic reasons. Businesses need to protect their private financial information, intellectual property, and trade secrets from competitors in order to remain profitable.
‘Privacy is not something that I’m merely entitled to, it’s an absolute prerequisite.’ –
Marlon Brando
Elunium vows to employ many modern, tested and verified techniques to respect the
privacy of its community members. By incentivizing Masternodes we provide an offchain path for completely private transactions. Community members can also utilize
coin mixing technology to further ensure the anonymity of their transactions.
Coin Specs
Coin Name: Elunium
Coin Ticker: Elunium
Algorithm: POS/MN
Total Coin Supply : 50,000,000
Masternode Reward: 85%
Proof Of Stake Reward: 10%
Governance: 5%
Premine: 1 % of the total supply
Block Time: 60 seconds
Difficulty Retargeting: Every Block
Block Size: 10MB
Staking Minimum: > 20 ELUNIUM
Staking Age: 12 hours ~ ∞
Masternode Collateral: 10,000 ELUNIUM
Because of its MN & POS feature you can passive income. You can participate in its Pre-sale and buy a MN or stake bindle for you. But if you want to get free MN giveaway is still running in which you can win a Elunium Masternood
Here is the link to participate --->
Elunium Official Links
EXPLORER: coming soon