Email management and Why It Matters
We know for a fact that spam accounts for 45 percent of all emails sent. We also know that about 14.5 billion spam emails are sent every single day, many being some form of advertising. To say that spam emails lead to a productivity loss would be an understatement.
But is there even a way how to fight against the onslaught of spam and not lose? Yes, there is: email management. In a nutshell, email management is a specific field of communications management for managing high volumes of inbound emails.
Stop Checking Your Email All the Time
Considering how many emails are spam, it should be clear that it’s not necessary to be instantly alerted to every new email that reaches your inbox, unless, of course, responding to emails is part of your job. Instead, we recommend you check your email regularly—but not too regularly—during the day to keep the level of distraction and interruption low. You might also want to consider disabling desktop notifications in your email client of choice, so you’re not tempted to open incoming emails.
Respond Instantly
There are several categories of emails. Some emails can be deleted even without opening them, some take just a few seconds to reply to, and others are huge time-thieves. You should train yourself to instantly sort all emails you receive into these three categories and learn how to delete all emails that don’t deserve your attention without opening them. It’s also advisable to respond to easy emails instantly and to postpone difficult emails until you really have enough time to handle them.
Aim for Inbox Zero
Developed by productivity expert Merlin Mann, Inbox Zero is an email management technique aimed at keeping the inbox empty all the time. Mann argues that email users should learn how to mass delete emails and do so as often as possible, leaving only important emails that should be responded to instantly. With a proper email management tool anyone can achieve Inbox Zero in no time and enjoy email without constantly feeling overwhelmed by the sheer number of unopened emails just sitting in the inbox and waiting to be opened.
Full article about How to delete multiple emails