$18 TTGO T-Wristband DIY Arduino Programmable Smart Bracelet Features ESP32-PICO-D4 SiP

in embedded •  5 years ago 

2020 is promising to be an interesting year for low-cost user-flashable smartwatches/bracelets. After the recent introduction of the $25 Pine64 PineTime Bluetooth enabled wearable companion for PinePhone Linux smartphone that will support various real-time operating systems such as Zephyr OS or FreeRTOS, we've now been informed that Liliygo launched TTGO T-Wristband smart bracelet powered by Espressif Systems ESP32-PICO-D4 SiP.

The watch comes with 802.11 b/g/n WiFi 4 and Bluetooth 4.2 Classic+LE connectivity and is currently selling for under $18 and up on Aliexpress and Tindie.

TTGO T-Wristband

TTGO T-Wristband smart bracelet specifications:

  • SIP - ESP32-PICO-D4 system-in-package with ESP32 Tensilica

The full article can be found @ https://www.cnx-software.com/2019/12/31/18-ttgo-t-wristband-diy-arduino-programmable-smart-bracelet-features-esp32-pico-d4-sip/
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