$5 Tang Nano FPGA Board Features GOWIN GW1N "LittleBee" FPGA

in embedded •  5 years ago 

Last year, we wrote about Lichee Tang FPGA board powered by Anlogic EG4S20 FPGA and targeting RISC-V development for just under $15.

The company, now called Sipeed, has made an even cheaper FPGA board with Tang Nano equipped with GOWIN Semi GW1N FPGA part of the company's LittleBee family.

Sipeed Tang Nano

Sipeed Tang Nano FPGA Board
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Sipeed Tang Nano specifications:

  • FPGA - Gowin GW1N-1-LV FPGA with 1,152 LUT4, 864 Flip-Flops(FF), 72Kbit Block SRAM, 4x B-SRAM, 96Kbit user flash, 1x PLL, 4x I/O banks
  • System Memory - 64Mbit (8MB) 3.3V PSRAM
  • Display - Standard 40-pin RGB

The full article can be found @ https://www.cnx-software.com/2019/10/15/5-tang-nano-fpga-board-gowin-gw1n-littlebee-fpga/
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