Desklab Ultrathin, Lightweight 15.6" 4K Portable Touchscreen Display Comes HDMI, USB-C, Stereo Speakers (Crowdfunding)

in embedded •  5 years ago 

We've already seen a fair amount of portable displays launched in recent years which are often supposed to be brought along with your laptop or smartphone, including DUO add-on display, TAIHE Gemini 15.6" FullHD/4K display, and the low-cost BlitzWolf BW-PCM1 11.6" display among many others.

Another option is Desklab 15.6" portable display available either in Full HD or 4K resolution and which comes with stereo speakers in a similar fashion to the TAIHE model but with different ports, and no battery.

Desklab Laptop Companion
Laptop and Desklab (right)

Desklab key features and specifications:

  • Display
    • 15.6" IPS

The full article can be found @
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