PX-HER0 ARM Cortex-M0 Development Board and Ecosystem is for Beginners and Veterans

in embedded •  5 years ago 

PX-HER0 ARM Cortex Development Board and Ecosystem

Piconomix is offering an embedded Arm Cortex-M0 development board that is aimed at the education, beginner maker, and enthusiast crowd. The PX-HER0 is a development board with an ecosystem of sourcing materials for learning the entire ARM structure through an open-source C library and full documentation.
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The Basics of the Board

The PX-HER0 is a low-power board, running an STM32 MCU with an Arm Cortex-M0 core. There is an LCD Display, that is viewable even in direct sunlight, and the entire package is lightweight and
The full article can be found @ https://www.cnx-software.com/2020/02/25/px-her0-arm-cortex-m0-development-board-and-ecosystem-is-for-beginners-and-veterans/

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