Is it possible to accurately predict emerging cryptocurrencies?

in emerging •  6 years ago 

This is a topic I've been giving a bit of consideration as of late (me and everyone else on Steemit) and while researching, I came across this article:

The article is pretty old and reading it reminded me of how many cryptos have already "come and gone" in just the past few short years. Feathercoin and Megacoin anyone?

It's a good reminder of how fickle this extremely new industry really is. Two years from now things could look extremely different and those few that are able to position themselves in the direction of this change, have quite a bit to gain from such foresight.

This leads me to wonder... what are the best tools that people use in order to stay up too date on all of the latest crypto related news and releases? Steemit in and of itself is a great tool, but surely there are many more?

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Nice post! I will follow you from now on. +vote