Shield your family from EMF's & Smart Meters & Wifi

in emf •  7 years ago  (edited)

10 years olds & teenagers have tested with plant seedlings with wifi and literally around 50% of them all died or the one's that did sprout ontop of the router looked horribly sick and barely alive for the majrority of them.

Our body has a electro magnetic energy system its scientificly proving and just obvious as fuck u emit a powerful enough of the wrong kinda electro/magnetic energy field by a living organism . thats not suppose 2 be in the sort of energy field it will make it sick.

Including us. i always feel better when i go for a walk gee i wonder why!

Also literally 100% of every time the power has gone out my entire life ive always felt better!

So yea get some orgonite also. And if u have laptop or desktop computers plug that shit directly into ur lan router.

this stuff isnt all that healthy for all living beings its not psuedo-science but true u shouldnt be all lIKE OMG IM GUNNA Die!
unless those 5g sick towers comeout those actually will probably kill u if u sleep right next 2 one.

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yeah i livin a city Chicago there are wifi routers every 30 feet

Lol yea i would highly suggest a orgonite pyramid or making one yourself mine was so powerful it showed up on some sort of energy radar device and i had 2 helicopters come do survillance of my house 2 figure out what was emitting the energy. was pretty neato. this military helicopter stayed the longest sense he was first i guess they sent that first sense they deemed i could be a serious threat to the old falling service 2 self control grid. was really wild.

wow man the amount of ppl making these has exploded no wonder they gaveup watching me.