You can't control how people respond to you.

in emma •  2 years ago 


Emma Vigeland's obviously cheap, dishonest, disgusting attack on Tim Pool on the basis that the recent, Hispanic, neo-Nazi shooter watched his show once, and snidely asked, "Why does your show apply to Nazis?" is a tactic that we've all seen over the last several decades, and it should be career suicide.

You can't control how people respond to you. The more public your persona becomes, the more human garbage you'll inadvertently attract because you've stumbled upon one take that somebody liked.

With the internet involved, it's just gonna get worse.

Ron Paul couldn't be further from a Klan member; but, the leftist media made it a major thing that some racist douche donated to his campaign during his last presidential run.

How do people not get that advocates for freedom in general will eventually say something that appeals to authoritarians who only believe in freedom for themselves?

Aryeh Neier is a jew, and a Holocaust survivor, who was on speed dial from neo-Nazis because of his devotion to free speech.

I hate Nazis and communists and mass shooters as much as anyone; but, there is a serious possibility that a Nazi, or a communist, or some mass shooter can find a sentence that I've written at some point that they like.

Yeah, I believe in the right of everybody to speak, including people with awful ideas. Yes, I've said that any person who is operating in society should be allowed to own a gun.

I can't control who likes those statements, and I don't have a hundredth of the following of some of these people.

Just stop making these arguments and pretending they're valid.

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