in emmares •  7 years ago 

Each of us has e-mail and its usefulness already very long ago is indisputable. For example many services demand e-mail for registration some use her for data storage some as guarantee of safety of this or that account. Also she can be used for communication and data exchange. Generally it is more than enough of applications for her. 

Though e-mail and useful piece but she also has shortcomings. For example all existing mails possess an insufficient security system that allows to get easily access to them and to take away from there any files. Plus to all each person who actively uses mail constantly comes a heap of absolutely useless spam. Besides that it is absolutely useless and has sense no target distribution, don't pay you for him.

Having considered errors and minuses of all existing e-mails, the EMMARES company has decided to create the application which will allow to improve any e-mail is unique moreover and to give the chance to people to earn on spam - mailings. About her today the speech will also go:

What the project is?

EMMARES is service innovative and unique in own way which will allow the users to earn from what to them is written.

Here present all spam only now – advertizing will pay you for the fact that you receive it! Do you think it not really? Here no, you are mistaken. With the EMMARES platform everything will become more than really. Now marketing specialists will send you only those messages which on the truth will be interesting to you and if you don't consider them necessary or acceptable you with ease refuse them.

Further you can just answer them to vote for them or for example to leave comments about that product or the letter. You will receive project tokens you in which consequence can turn into good money for all this. All this will work and will use this service very favourably users receives concrete letters which are interesting to them and marketing specialists receive high-quality return from their work.

Principle of work of the EMMARES service:

The algorithm of work of this service is very simple but still around the world has no analogs. Principle of work following: Marketing specialists create the clever contract then to each of users certain letters of this or that character come. If this area isn't interesting to the user he unsubscribes and letters don't come to this subject to him any more. It creates a huge algorithm which in a consequence will work like clock-work providing all the necessary information. As a result each of the parties receives that it wants so all are satisfied.

EMMARES service token: 

The EMMARES company has created the intraplatform token which will open the mass of opportunities for its users. This token can be used in absolutely various purposes. To do orders for mailings, to pay off in the platform, to sell and buy this token. Plus to everything, use of one currency will remove a difference of courses and currencies between this or that country allowing to use the platform most comfortably.

Team of the project:


As you were in time will notice, the prospects of this project can envy. His idea and its execution indicate future success and demand. Plus to everything, the team of the project has worked wonderfully well and will be able shortly to nominate already ready-made product which will bring to the investors good dividends to the market. If you wish to support the project you can pass to the official site of the company and get to yourself project tokens thereby becoming his part. You will find thanks a lot for attention, all references below. Also don't forget progress in undertakings that your investments are your future!


 Web:  https://emmares.io
Whitepaper:  https://emmares.io/whitepaper.pdf
Bitcointalk:  https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2807216.0
Twitter: https://twitter.com/emmares_io
Telegram:   https://t.me/emmares
Medium:  https://medium.com/emmares 


Bitcointalk profile: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1324682

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