Setting Your Emotons Right, Give Priority to Those Who Deserve It.

in emotions •  7 years ago 

Why do people often take those who love them for granted, the reason for this act is something I cannot explain.
The act is now really common and rampant in our dear society today and even in our families.
Parents who love their children so much do not often get the love returned, because their children feel that their parents do not love them and they are just being too protective.


The child might as well feel that there are so many things that his parent cannot really understand that he has to go through, an average child will want to receive pampering, love and care from parents but from a parent who works for 20 hours in a day and gets to rest for only 4 hours, it is really not going to be easy for the child to get all the pampering he wants. This might then make the child see himself or herself as being hated by the parent.

If the child is in his or her teenage age, he begins to feel that maybe his boyfriend or girlfriend loves him more than his parents and this is just so untrue.


The parents who is supposed to get loved in return from her child, those not get it at all rather the child transfers all the love to a contempoary partner who just wants to have fun with them and abandon them.
The real people who love them (their parent) gets abandoned until when the kid gets jilted by the boy or may be she has a serious problem, then she will begin to run back home.

Learn to set your emotions the right way today, love appropraitely those who desrve your love.

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Hi, I have a couple remarks on your post. I agree with you that the love from parents is unconditional and everlasting. I don't agree that anybody else can't love your child the same amount as you do, I am in long relationship and have 1 child and I love my girlfriend and kid equally (the same goes for my dog btw. Also, I think pampering is what is wrong in today's society. Kids need to be able to explore, try out and fail at stuff. It is the only way they will build a resistance to bigger problems ahead. As parents we should always be around when a child needs us, but not the other way around. The last thing you point out is very important, people who work 20 hours a day should think twice about having kids. They need you more than that! Cheers

thank you very much for the opinion, I really appreciate