Every time I wanna go get my CDL to drive buses, I'm always convinced to just stay where I am and keep doing gig apps + YouTube

in employment •  5 years ago  (edited)

For real, like when one or more of these happen:

  • tonight picking up dinner for my girlfriend and me. Girl at the drive thru window WAS supposed to attend a Twisted concert.. guess what? Work mandated her come in cuz it's a holiday.. sigh
  • every time my girlfriend's body wants to give her shit
  • speaking of bodies giving one shit, there's always that risk I could reject my heart at any time
  • every time I wear out (although this shouldn't be much of an issue while driving)
  • mandatory overtime, mandatory overtime everywhere
  • these higher paying jobs.. there's a catch: some like amazon give VTO cuz they deliberately flood the workplace with employees
  • the off on Thanksgiving debate that happens every time Thanksgiving rolls around these days
  • my quad annual doctor's appointments
  • the Walmart and most other places sick leave policy: don't get sick. Seriously... dont. Get. Sick. And don't get injured bad or sick bad where you're in the hospital cuz otherwise you have to be signed off
  • extra nonsense related to employment; yeah like for example at a pizza place in addition to deliveries you also gotta prep orders, wash dishes, etc.

Has something like this ever happened to you? Or am I just too spoiled by self employment as a whole (up to and including the gig apps and YouTube and all that)?

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