A lot of people think that the forty hour work week is cruel.

in employment •  2 years ago 


I'm sure a lot of you would love to see legal action taken to reduce the number of hours worked.

I'm not working fifty to sixty hours a week consistently right now; but, I'm working at least forty. There are some real benefits for me having so many responsibilities at work that consume so much of my time. It's not just money.

I drank myself into the hospital three times. I was bored during the pandemic, and I was hurting, and I dealt with those things by jugging hard liquor. Even after I got back to work, I was spending most of my time off drinking. With the amount that I'm working now, when you account for commute times and everything else, it's about forty-five to sixty-five hours a week when I can't drink because of work, then there's sleep, and when I'm awake and not working, I don't feel like drinking anymore.

I know that the slog will slow down in a few months. It's a gig that heats up and cools down with the seasons. But, getting the drug out of your system and keeping it out for a sustained period of time is an important factor, possibly the important factor, in breaking the habit.

Right now, I think that the work load is perfect for me. I know that I'm gaining the money to do things at the expense of the time to do things for a while; but, that's life. But, really, giving up the time now is probably going to extend the time that I have left on this Earth.

Of course, this isn't a prescription for everybody. Nobody should be forced to take a job with the work load of mine, and nobody is being forced. All I'm saying is, "Please don't fight to make it illegal for this job to keep doing what it's doing, and how it's doing it."

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