Alcohol? A deadly virus

in en •  6 years ago 

According to the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 86.4 percent of people ages 18 or older reported that they drank alcohol at some point in their lifetime, 56.0 percent reported that they drank in the past month. The rate of alcohol intake nowadays is now rampant even among old people and young school leaver. According to English dictionary alcohol is a volatile flammable liquid and its the intoxicating constituent of wine,beer,spirits and other product. Its so sardonic and disheartening nowadays when young folks in secondary school and even primary school now take alcohol containing fluid all in the name of getting intoxicated (high).

REASON FOR ALCOHOL Alcohol is taking among middle aged guys purposely to get intoxicated. Intoxication in this sense simply means that there body physiological functions especially the brain which is the control centre of the body become over-triggered and work beyond or below its normal functioning state. Majority of people take alcohol alcohol containing constituents like beer so as to free them from depression as a result of marital dispute, emotional distress,academic failure, joblessness and to build there confidence and endurance rate when doing strenuous activities like fighting, running and the likes. Other reason why people take alcohol is because of peer group influence, people tends to change there current level, avoid physiological pain,escape from life threatening challenges ranging from trauma to boredom.

SIDE EFFECTS OF ALCOHOL From my little experience in the medical field, its well know that alcohol is metabolized in the liver and this connote high risk in liver damage. The body also metabolized alcohol into acetaldehyde a substance that is toxic and carcinogenic. Alcohol acts majorly on the liver and if the liver cannot perform its life supporting function effectively other multiple organ may fail and can result to death. The most common defect of people taking alcohol includes the following (a) Cirrhosis (b)Pancreatitis (c) Ulcer and digestive problem which can result in acid reflux and heart burn (d) Brain damage: since alcohol is a central nervous depressant, it causes difficulties in comprehending information and poses challenges in solving simple problems which in turn can cause blackout and inability to remember event. It can also cause abnormal aging of the brain tissue which can in turn results in dementia. The most common side effect of alcohol which is easily notable is accident which can be domestic violence,occupational injuries, suicide and homicides.

HOW TO QUIT ALCOHOL The not so good is that quitting is hard, its painful and one shouldn't sugar-coat it. One of the great news is that many medical technology and researcher have made it easier to quit without causing havoc on the patience. To quit alcohol intake make sure u do the following (1)Put down the reason why you want to quit alcohol: One of these reasons include some consequences that accompany the intake like bad behaviour, harsh behaviour and social vices. If you are struggling with quitting look back at theses vices and it will trigger you to quit finally (2) Talk to your Doctor :If you choose to start the path to recover alone, bear in mind that alcohol withdrawal can potentially be deadly. If you start experiencing severe withdrawal symptoms like panic attacks, severe anxiety, the shakes, rapid heart beat you should seek immediate medical assistance. Don't always feel like you are quitting alone, many people want to help you because you are carrying heavy burden. Doctor treating withdrawal from alcohol can administer Benzodiazapine which include diazepam,alprazolam are psychoactive drugs which can be used to calm anxiety and panic which must be taken under medical supervision.

(3)Get rid of bottles, can etc. Don't feel that just because you are having guests over you need to offer them a beer, wine, or cocktail. It is perfectly fine to offer people tea, lemonade, coke, or the like.

(4) Don't put yourself with people or in situations where you're likely to drink. There's an old saying about "Playgrounds and Playmates" — look at yours. You may need to leave some of your old drinking buddies and watering holes behind. That being said, it can be quite a revelation to find out that the friends you used to drink with were drinking with you only occasionally and were having two beers or two glasses of wine to your five.

(5) Feel your feeling : Cry when you want to cry, laugh when you want to laugh, this is your old nature and it is humane to do all this. You will have a learning curve.

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