Thought of the day # Never Mind

in encouragement •  7 years ago 

imageThis was fascinated me most, why? In our life just never mind the haters rather pity them. It only means you are the reflection in the mirror they always wanted to see. You are someone they wanted to be or you may have something they wanted to have but couldn't. Let them suit thier selves talking behind your back, throwing you snide comments and glairing along the sideways.

Never get mad instead look at them with a smile on your face. Be glad you are being noticed. You are the center of their life, always the topic of their talk. Know that you are someone whom thay waste their time with. You are one of the reason why they can'nt sleep at night. You are someone, they risk losing their self happiness, good koral and mental health. Be thankful you have HATERS.

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THEY HATE US COZ THEY AINT US. Disregarding what others might think about you and doing what you feel is the best feeling in the world.

You're absolutely right @novacaine

You're absolutely right @novacaine