This first demo reproduces the minimal example from
Here is the code:
from cryptography.fernet import Fernet
key = Fernet.generate_key()
f = Fernet(key)
token = f.encrypt(b"A really secret message. Not for prying eyes.")
Running this code snippet generates the key "key=Fernet.generate_key()" that is used to encrypt the message "A really secret message. Not for prying eyes".
The token is the encrypted message:
token = str.encode('gAAAAABkA82hbypi9ImmSnP_MGiqkuAHY-8fSsBdnl4qd2or6cQF_6stRh2RDHEvNGkuxQ9sc4nC0HKl9_f1Ax5LOPNaWFJUOjVgWt5ix0EzdcfrJJxslBd3f2GyOPOawJmdHDRwTO4N', 'utf-8')
Try decoding it with this key:
key = str.encode('LB83JBWFeETaE7NoBgJme0tOBDbV65lLa1H23YDQ6M0=', 'utf-8')
Did you notice the lowercase b used for the message and the key? The lowercase b tells Python that the data is coded in binary (1s and 0s).
Fernet is a symmetric encryption algorithm. This means that the same key is used to encrypt and decrypt the message.
Python snippet to decode the message:
New variable names are used so that we don't over-write the values of the variables already defined (key, token, f):
key2 = str.encode('LB83JBWFeETaE7NoBgJme0tOBDbV65lLa1H23YDQ6M0=', 'utf-8')
token2 = str.encode('gAAAAABkA82hbypi9ImmSnP_MGiqkuAHY-8fSsBdnl4qd2or6cQF_6stRh2RDHEvNGkuxQ9sc4nC0HKl9_f1Ax5LOPNaWFJUOjVgWt5ix0EzdcfrJJxslBd3f2GyOPOawJmdHDRwTO4N', 'utf-8')
f2 = Fernet(key2)
message = f2.decrypt(token2)
b'A really secret message. Not for prying eyes.'
I am new to Steemit, please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or constructive criticisms. Thanks!