I'm A Bit steemed - Read It Or Don't!

in endthefed •  8 years ago  (edited)

No fancy image here!

Yeah, I intentionally made the pun - but do you see the hidden message(s) embedded within?
If I still smoked I would light one now, if I had a steem follower I would chat about this now, but IF's were STEEM I would be a cryptocurrency Billionaire.

Ha-ha, Get it? Some will and some won't, and that steem is a portion of steemit.com digital-blockchain-spy-data-mining-collection-cryptocurrency-portal-artificial...

Yes, artificial!
Digital Bank (FinTech-cashless society)
Artificial social network
Artificial Intelligence (supercomputers, amazing bandwidth, many connections, unlimited storage, super-cooled, algorithms... )

All of that and more was within - so many have a hint or a glimpse while so many more are clueless and blissfully so!

Anyway, below are some Tips, Read & Respond - Implement or Don't.

BUT DON'T DARE SAY: no one tried to help me, or I didn't know - because most (if not all) were born in ignorance.
Are you able to recognize some steemit-minnows are voluntary helpers and not a bot?
Now as an adult isn't it your responsibility to fix that?!

Blockchain (FINTECH)

A blockchain is usually described as a distributed ledger: a database of records shared by all clients with access.

LEDGER: A general ledger contains all the accounts for recording transactions relating to a company's assets, liabilities, owners' equity, revenue, and expenses...

Steem White Paper page 21 excerpt:

Rewarding Parent Posts

Good discussion requires back and forth posting. When you reply to someone else, they get
50% of any payout you receive in that thread. This rule applies up to 6 levels deep. Starting a
big discussion greatly rewards the parent poster.
Failure to properly nest your posts in the discussion is a good way to get down voted.
This incentive structure motivates people to contribute in a way that motivates others to get
involved. It encourages people to ask good questions so that others can provide valuable


When a post receives a payout it takes the form of 50% SMD and 50% SP. The Steem Power
give the user increased voting and transaction power while the SMD gives the user an
immediate benefit in a stable currency. As we’ve already discussed at length, both SP and
SMD are designed to encourage long-term holding rather than short-term selling.

You Read This Far?!

Or did you scroll down in a rush?

Regardless, you may be a few who know some things or you could be someone looking at the worldwide breadcrumb trails with TRUTH HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT.

Yes, I did consider correcting spelling/grammar errors - but chose not to.
For you I share this insight, I am someone who still calls a car a “horseless carriage” and that has great meaning.
Look Deeper.

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LOL 😃 @ronmamita The experiment was 100% success !
After 11 hours I'm calling a close to this steemit experiment.
With no upvotes and no comments after 11 hours ...

Greeting to those who may read this; sometimes you have to put yourself in the experiment to reach certainty/clarity.