
in endtimes •  6 years ago  (edited)

Musings, late March 2019
Or Updates on the current scene

I was having a conversation with my husband this morning about this Mueller Report story that for a change wasn't ... lol. You know. Volatile disagreements is a nice way to put what was the norm there for awhile in conversation over certain issues. I tried to say that I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so and I tried to do it with humor. He insists that the report is inconclusive in some way although I can't say I understand what he's talking about, even when he did take the time to try to explain it to me. I admit though, I didn't jump the gun drawing conclusions so quickly about the outcome of events from here. It feels like there's a need to be sure of what it all really says and my understanding is that it hasn't been fully released? As of 3/26/2019. Right?

Well, Monday (yesterday) when all the stories were flying around Facebook about it I saw another story. It was a broadcast of the President making a statement about the findings of the Mueller Report being positive and conclusive. I was all about to be downright celebratory until I saw this and it disturbed me. The footage showed President Trump making a statement to the press in the Whitehouse and Benjamin Netanyahu (that is, the Prime Minister of Israel) was sitting quietly but intimately to the President's right, right up next to him in fact.

So while I would be happy that my president has been exonerated of the backstabbing of the Democratic Party, I am very concerned about our relationship with Israel. In other words. There may be far bigger issues facing the world than what's been going on in the US. Regarding World Peace. I am wondering, out of the frying pan and into the fire? For Donald Trump. Is Israel pulling our president's strings?

I've been holding off on making this post but ... the truth calls for it. Seriously. Yes I know this perspective is controversial and downright offensive to some people. Sorry. But there are judgments that need to be broken through here. Understanding that has been handicapped by the reality picture that we are indoctrinated with needs to be found.

This all goes WAY back, in history. To our beginnings, actually. It might even be the source of ancient conflict, between the ancient civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis or the Indigenous peoples vs. the cosmic immigrants. Who is in control of the planetary blueprint. OR who rightfully controls it? Who is the basis for worldy authority and planetary management?

Here's my understanding, from a LOT of past life recovery and healing work as well as a heck of a lot of writing and documentation! Putting all of these pieces together.

The 144 Thousand, God's Chosen. These are the Indigos and each one has a ... ha ha. No really. A Flat Earth Dome. Hear me out on this. It is a sanctuary of safe space that radiates outward from these people in a circle on the planet surface from their location. From there it manifests reality in all directions, even to the point of things like natural historical records and geology and recorded human history. All while the source of the dome/sanctuary may in reality, be very young. BUT. So far there is only one being that has ever actually manifested a planet from it. Since the time of Christ, that is. It is the same planetary blueprint that created Mars. Mars "died" from a comet impact and then Earth became manifest (only with a few changes from the architects ... the ones tweaking and controlling the natural blueprint on a genetic level). Then in late August 2017 New Earth was manifest after catastrophic events that have yet to come fully to light.

Jews in Space (Mel Brooks)
from History of the World Part I

Going back to Mary's life. That is, Mary of Nazareth. Jesus' contract with Mary was to introduce all of the Indigos, the 144 Thousand. These people are different. They have superpowers, longer lifespans and again are the holders of the sanctuaries that all weave together to form a vast energy grid and an interconnection of planets when healed. Their entire chakra systems are different! Planetary vs. the usual human one (starting with RED in the solar plexus not gold) .. their true magnetic signature is a torus like that of a living planet, not a coincidence. You might say that ... the planet in question is a manifest extension of a (human) physical body. Mary was the first one and so far the only successful one: Mother Earth. She is the core "planetary entity" at the center of all the others; Source with a capital S.

But as common understanding would have it, Jesus failed. He was crucified, basically by the Jewish Cabal, in control of the Roman Empire. And not before he became lost in his own ego, abandoning his true mission which was to uncover this 'secondary' (or primary ... it depends on how you look at it) race of human beings ... ALL of the Indigos and their special abilities. Not just his. Maybe even, starting with his own mother.

I say this after having recovered Mary's death and a great deal of her life! Jesus and Mary were parental blueprints for true human beings. They weren't supposed to die a normal human death. But Jesus betrayed his mother when he was crucified by the Romans and he came back from death. Only to escape to India, abandoning both his mother and the world. Mary was tricked into believing he was gone, lost to her. In her grief and loneliness she succumbed to a painful and what was an unnatural death for her.

This is where we are stuck. Where these two entities, Mary and Jesus have issues to resolve with the rest of the world and with each other. They were not Jews, and the Jews are not God's Chosen. Not many people realize this. But I did some research fairly recently on Tribulation in the Christian Bible. The sources I found said that Tribulation means 'trouble for Israel.' Where I believe, Planet Earth is literally trying to shake this negative influence on Her entire history in order to save Herself and what humans she can.

How did this all start? With Yaweh, I think. The Jewish (male) God entity. The one that according to scripture, demanded the sacrifice of the firstborn son. It is no accident that this model is the one followed by the New World Order. It mandates pedophilia as part of their control paradigm. The Jewish "architects" (somehow in control of the planetary blueprint) lied to and "conquered" a god entity ... Yaweh was an Archon ... and then used him to gain and maintain control of the world. Archons are like ... powerful anti archangels. Only they represent forces in nature that govern functional laws of science ... they have a hard time with their human incarnations. They are considered evil by many but really it comes down to a lack of understanding and plenty of status quo manufactured judgment. As well as, who is controlling THEM. There are nine of them, opposite (and part of or a reflection somehow for) The Elohim or the Council of Nine.

How they got control of the blueprint is another story! Tied to the Fall of the Lost Civilization ... yes I am speaking of Atlantis ... which was a global civilization: MARS.

Back to Mary's life.

I do not believe that Jesus was a virgin birth. I think his real father was a fellow named Methusela, who is credited by the Bible and other records as having been the oldest living man at the time of Jesus. My understanding is that Methusela was a space traveller. Maybe at some point, like the end of the Lost Civilization, the LAST human of that time. Somehow captured and ... taken in by the Jewish architects, the ones that have been in control of the space ship and the manifestation blueprint for the creation of Earth. He became one of them, but on a genetic level he is not related to them at all. There may have been a handful of others joining him. These would be the people we see in old photographs of current celebrities and leaders that seem to prove a small group of humans with much longer lifespans than currently realized by the status quo. I've written about this before ... that I believe there are a group of humans that have left the main Earth timeline and are trying to find their way back home. Is it these men?

Kindof changes a lot of current perspective on things. Don't you agree?
If any of this is true.

Writing along, looking for research links, I realize that I am going to have to leave this for now and come back. I've got to bail unexpectedly!! I had more to say though. I often come back and edit my own writing as evolving work. I am afraid to leave it in draft form since I've had articles I started in the recent past disappear. So I am posting this 'as is' so as not to lose what I've got.

So stay tuned and check back.

LR 3/26/2019

God of Abraham and the Firstborn Son

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