Private revelations aggregated on Friday, June 9, 2023 at 06:46 PM.

in endtimes •  2 years ago 

Visionary: Maria Divine Mercy, Ireland, Prayers from the Book of Truth
Received on: Monday, July 9, 2012
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Crusade Prayer 65, For Those in Mortal Sin:

“O dear Jesus, Saviour of mankind, through your Divine Mercy I plead for clemency for all those poor souls in sin who may be taken from this earth during the Warning. Forgive them their sins and in memory of your passion I beg you to grant me this special favour in atonement for their sins. I offer myself to you in mind, body and soul as a penance to salvage their souls, and to bring them Eternal Life. Amen.”

-- Your Beloved Saviour, Jesus Christ

Visionary: The Catechism in a Year (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Received on: Friday, June 9, 2023
Message URL:

This is a video series/podcast which covers the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) in one year.

Today's video is:

Day 160: The Liturgical Year — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Watch this video on YouTube here:

Visionary: The Bible in a Year (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Received on: Wednesday, June 9, 2021
Message URL:

This is a video series/podcast which explores the Bible in chronological order using the Great Adventure Bible Timeline. There are one or two videos per day.

Today's video is:

Day 160: Jesus Warns the People — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Watch this video on YouTube here:

Visionary: Clare du Bois,, Taos, NM
Received on: Saturday, September 3, 2022
Message URL:

48 Hours to Launch-Really

September 3rd, 2022

May the Lord's wisdom and peace guide and keep you, blessed family.

We have gotten what we believe may be a warning that the hour has come.

Several times during the day on August thirty-first, both Ezekiel and I looked up at the clock on one of our pieces of equipment and saw nine-eleven or some variation, like eleven-nine. His suffering was off the charts all day long, four different episodes of the stigmata, excruciatingly painful, he cried out many times in agony. I was also feeling the tremendous weight of what the Lord was going through, and could barely operate or think clearly, it was so heavy. This continued to happen all day long yesterday and into the night when I was trying to work.

Then in the wee small hours of the morning Ezekiel began to understand and clarify what this was about. He believes that China is about to attack. In fact, he heard a voice, which he believed was the Lord, say, "In forty-eight hours China will launch." In the Bible Promises, when we went for a confirmation, we got the Guidance reading, which is always a confirmation. I did not yet have time to discern more, our group come together to discern before our worship started, which I put on shuffle after asking the Holy Spirit to please tell us a clear story through the songs. He did not waste a minute of time, the first song was "In the Days of Noah" by Misty Edwards, that is a very foreboding song, if you have never heard it, I suggest you look it up, it is amazing, very relevant about the scorn and ridicule people had for prophecy that was about to be fulfilled.

The, an Irish jig called, "Water Under the Keel," during which I saw many Brides in full wedding attire, jubilantly congregating into a massive banqueting hall and being led to the banqueting table for the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.

After that played, then "Breathe on Us" played by Kari Jobe. Mind you, the Holy Spirit had total control of what played next. At that point, when "Breathe on Us" was playing, the heavens opened into a big circular opening in the sky, and I saw our relatives in the Great Cloud looking down at us waving and shouting for joy. They were ecstatic looking in on us and cheering us on. And I waved to them at which point such a rush of joy overtook me, I could hardly stand. I felt a mighty empowerment flood over us, and I raised my staff and used my tambourine to sprinkle everyone in the room with what I was feeling, just as the Lord has taught us to do when in warfare.

Right after that, the Holy Spirit played "Left Behind in the Storm," and we all settled back down into the reality that this may very well be it, we are right on the verge of an event that will change the world, forever, and everyone in the room became very quiet, especially those who knew they were being left behind to lead.

This all happened at eleven am Thursday, September first, 2022. Forty-eight hours from now would be somewhere around Saturday morning, September third, or First Saturday. Now that is a very special day for the Blessed Virgin Mary because the first Saturday of every month is a day celebrating the Fatima apparitions and praying for sinners and being especially aware of our sins and repenting and praying and her intercession for us on that day would be most powerful. So, what the Lord is pointing to is an event of some kind. If we have discerned correctly something may very well happen Saturday morning, whether it be in Taiwan or here, I do not know. Of course, we can pray against it and ask for a stay of execution, but truly, Brides and people are so weary and longing for something to happen, even though we know when it does happen it will be horrific.

I had a strong impression that this event would coincide with the Lord equipping His Body with new graces to evangelize the world. I felt it so strongly, that the wind of the Spirit of God is about to hit the church anew.

God help those internet teachers that slam Fatima and Our Lady's role as intercessor, as it was revealed to us in the Scriptures during the wedding at Cana in the second chapter of John. I say this because they are defaming a most powerful intercessor for mankind next to Jesus Christ.

And why not the most powerful human intercessor? Did she not give up her Son to the most brutal death? Did she not carry the words of Simeon, "And a sword shall pierce your heart" for the thirty-three years leading up to His death and resurrection? Do you think for even one moment that her heart was not united with Jesus' agony offering her Son, whom she knew was the promised Messiah, the very Son of God, being crucified before her very eyes? She wanted what He wanted with all her heart, the salvation of mankind, that her Son would win. And she still wants what He wanted with all her heart, and that is why she has been empowered, to appear to us on the Earth and warn us of what was coming, to prepare us.

At the time of her conception, she was given the grace of baptism, erasing the stain of original sin from her bloodline so that she could carry the Messiah in her womb. That is what the Immaculate Conception title means. It is not some assumed title glorifying her, it is more proof of the incarnation of Jesus into a body washed clean of the stain of Adam and all mankind's sin up to that point. Now, I respect L.A. Marzulli's work with demon aliens, and I was listening to a presentation from Paul Begley three nights ago, and I was deeply grieved by the way he attacked Fatima. Oh my gosh! I am so grieved at the slander and misunderstanding he is preaching to the world about the Mother of Jesus and the Fatima miracles. Has not the Lord taught us you will know them by their fruits…so what are the fruits of Fatima? And the legitimate apparitions?

Number one -Faith in Jesus Christ as the Son of God who died for our sins and was resurrected. Prayer to Jesus Christ, especially with His Mother's intercession, which is no different than calling a friend and asking them to pray for us. The Holy Spirit makes Our Lady aware of those who are asking for prayer. She joins her prayers to ours, and what powerful prayers she has, the position she is in with God, no other human being is in. You have got to know that a mother's prayers are very powerful, especially the mother of Jesus.

She teaches Penance as the voluntary sacrifice of what is naturally pleasing to us, in reparation for sin and in union with the sufferings of Jesus Crucified as written in Colossians 1:24 Now I rejoice in what I am suffering for you, and I fill up in my flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ's afflictions, for the sake of his body, which is the church. I have taught on this before, and I believe that the Lord left a space to for us to fill with our fasting and sacrifices so that we could prove our love for Him and mankind by joining our fast offerings to Him on His Cross.

And she also teaches stop sinning and live holiness, not the immorality of the world. repent from unbelief to faith in Jesus Christ and from sinful estrangement from God to humble...

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