Private revelations aggregated on Monday, February 5, 2024 at 07:17 PM.

in endtimes •  7 months ago 

Visionary: Maria Divine Mercy, Ireland, Prayers from the Book of Truth
Received on: Sunday, January 6, 2013
Message URL:

Crusade Prayer 92, For the Grace of Perseverance:

“O dear Jesus, I ask you for the gift of perseverance. I beg you to bestow upon me the graces I need to uphold your most holy Word. I ask you to rid me of any lingering doubts. I ask you to flood my soul with kindness, patience and perseverance. Help me to remain dignified when I am insulted in your holy Name. Make me strong and cover me with the grace to keep going, even when I am tired, lacking in strength and when faced with all the tribulations, which lie ahead, as I work tirelessly to help you save humanity. Amen.”

I love you. I cover you with my Precious Blood.

-- Your Jesus

Visionary: The Bible in a Year (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Received on: Saturday, February 6, 2021
Message URL:

This is a video series/podcast which explores the Bible in chronological order using the Great Adventure Bible Timeline. There are one or two videos per day.

Today's video is:

Day 36: Manna from Heaven — The Bible in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Watch this video on YouTube here:

Visionary: The Catechism in a Year (Fr. Mike Schmitz)
Received on: Monday, February 6, 2023
Message URL:

This is a video series/podcast which covers the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC) in one year.

Today's video is:

Day 36: The Nature of the Trinity — The Catechism in a Year (with Fr. Mike Schmitz)

Watch this video on YouTube here:

Visionary: John Leary
Received on: Monday, March 20, 2023
Message URL:

Monday, March 20, 2023: (St. Joseph’s feast day)

St. Joseph said: “I am the son of Jacob, and I was happy that you celebrated your table in honor of me at your prayer group. You have read the Scripture passage when I had a dream from an angel that I needed to protect my foster Son, Jesus from Herod who wanted to kill Jesus. So I quickly took my family to Egypt in hiding from Herod. You, my son, have also been given messages for some people to set up refuges for protection from the evil ones who want to kill Christians. You also were called to set up your own refuge for the protection from the evil ones during the tribulation of the Antichrist. God has chosen your place for me to be your contractor for more buildings. I told you in one day I will build a large high rise for 5,000 people. I also will build a large church for the people to worship God. This will be a miraculous building venture that angels will help me. I will see to all of the needs of the people to supply sleeping quarters, and food and water will be multiplied for them. You may help to organize this huge refuge in assigning groups of twenty for each thousand people. The Lord told you they will come slowly so you can help manage where they are to go and what they are to do. This will be a large undertaking and the Lord will give you more messages how you are to carry out such a mission. Trust in the Lord to keep your peace to help all of the faithful that the Lord intends to protect at your refuge."

Jesus said: “My son, I have been giving you messages about having refuges for many years. I have shown you what is important in building your own refuge. I will have My faithful come to My refuges for protection from the evil ones in the world who want to kill Christians. I will use My refuges to separate the good people from the bad people. Once you are separated and safe at My refuges, then I will bring My punishment down on the evil ones, and they will be killed by My Comet of Chastisement. I will protect My faithful during the tribulation, and I will bring you into My Era of Peace. As you approach these end times, many of My messengers and visionaries will be given messages to prepare refuges for the coming tribulation of the Antichrist. Trust in My Word and be prepared to come to My refuges when I will call you with My inner locution."

Visionary: John Leary
Received on: Tuesday, March 21, 2023
Message URL:

Tuesday, March 21, 2023: (David Gray, Mass intention)

Jesus said: “My son, you read of My healing of a cripple who laid at the Pool of Bethesda for thirty-eight years. I told him to take up his mat and walk on the Sabbath. The man later encountered Me so he knew that it was I who healed Him. He told the Jews and they took offense at Me because I healed people on the Sabbath. In the Chosen movie series this man had a brother who was a zealot. This zealot had planned to kill someone, but when he saw his brother walking, he failed to commit the crime he intended to kill. So now two people were healed that day. Rejoice that I reach out to every soul to be healed, if they are willing to change their lives."

Jesus said: “My people, many of you are learning that the Covid mRNA vaccines do not stop you from getting the Covid virus. You are also learning that people who contracted the Covid virus have a better immune system than those people who were forced to take the Covid mRNA vaccines. Now it is hard to trust your medical people who have been brainwashing the public with lies. You had a message last month when I told you the next pandemic virus will use a version of the black plague. Now you are surprised to see an article on the internet that is talking about a coming black plague from the lab. Even some people are now saying the next pandemic will be much worse than the Covid virus. The one world people are trying to scare your people and use fear tactics to control you. Their goal is still to reduce the population with lab made viruses and lab made mRNA vaccines. I warned My people not to take the mRNA vaccines because it does not stop you from getting Covid and the shots are killing some people with heart problems. These same evil people are banning ivermectin and other medicines that could heal people because they want more people to die from the Covid virus. They also are making up numbers of deaths from Covid that died from the flu or other causes. So when a new pandemic does come, you will see more scare and fear tactics to control people. Use known antibiotics early to treat any new virus, and again refuse to take any mRNA vaccines that will ruin your immune system, or possibly kill you from the side effects. If you see bodies on the ground, this will be a sign to come to My refuges so you can look upon My luminous cross and be healed of any virus. Trust in My Word and not the one world medical people who are trying to reduce the population."

Visionary: Maria Divine Mercy, Ireland, Book of Truth
Received on: Sunday, December 22, 2013
Message URL:

Mother of Salvation: By the Miracle of the Illumination of Conscience He My Son Will Bring Joy Love and Hope to the World

On December 22, 2013 @ 3:19 pm

My child, please let it be known that my precious Son is preparing for his great intervention of mercy. The world will be renewed as a result and many will rejoice in their new to-be-found freedom from doubt about the existence of God.

How lonely are those who do not know my Son. When my Son stood on the mount, just before his Ascension into Heaven, his disciples were confused and frightened because of the separation they would have to face without him. Many of them panicked and begged my Son not to leave them. He comforted them by patiently explaining to them that this separation would only be temporary and that he would send them help. The help he was referring to was the gift of the Holy Spirit. Then he said to them: “Do not fear, for by the help of he who I will send to you, you will not be alone. I will always be with you in the form of the Holy Spirit.”

For, although he told everyone that day that he would Come Again, they did not truly understand what he meant. Some thought that it would be...

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